Universitas Brawijaya (UB) on Eid al-Adha 1445 H sacrificed 37 animals consisting of 30 goats and 7 cows. Based on data obtained from the Center for Religious Development (PPA), 30 goats were distributed to a number of assisted villages, mosques and social institutions in Malang Raya. Meanwhile, the rest were slaughtered at the Gazebo of Raden Wijaya UB, Monday (17/6/2024).
“A total of 14 goats were distributed to mosques and prayer rooms, eight others were distributed to educational institutions, five social institutions, one assisted village, and two goats to an orphanage. Each of these institutions was given one goat,” said Ustadz Sugeng Santoso, M.Pd. I as the committee of PPA UB.
He added that the sacrificial animals provided by UB will be able to provide benefits to residents spread across Malang Raya.

Meanwhile, ten sacrificial animals that were not distributed were given to the academic community such as security, cleaning staff, technicians and cleaning services.
“The sacrificial committee provided 1,500 coupons to collect sacrificial meat at UB,” he said.
To support the implementation of sacrificial animal slaughtering activities, the committee also collaborated with a team from FKH UB to carry out inspections of sacrificial animals.
Based on the results of the examination, all the sacrificial animals were healthy, but there were three cows with fasciola worms in their livers.
“Of the three, there was one cow which liver was completely rejected or thrown away. And in one last cow, hydropericard was found due to a disorder in the blood vessel system, but it is not an infectious disease,” said Head of the Analyst team, Wisnu Wardhana, Drh., M.Biomed. (ROM/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).