University of Brawijaya (UB) inaugurated four professors, Saturday (16/03/2024), at the Samantha Krida Building. They are Prof. Dr. Drs. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Si from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA), Prof. Dr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi., M.Si from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Prof. Drs. Mohamad Muslikh, M.Si., Ph.D from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Aminudin Afandhi, M.S from the Faculty of Agriculture.
Prof. Dr. Drs. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Si

Prof. Dr. Drs. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Si was confirmed as the Professor in the Field of Tax Administration Science. He is the 15th active Professor at FIA, the 216th active Professor at UB, and the 380th Professor of all Professors produced by UB.
He delivered a speech discussing the relationship between Sustainable Tax and approaches to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects of tax avoidance in Indonesia. He offers the Sustainability Framework Model as a framework for mitigating corporate tax avoidance through sustainable aspects, including environmental, social and governance.
The advantages of the mitigation measures that have been implemented are expected to show the potential for increasing company compliance with tax obligations. These measures not only support government revenues through taxes, but are also in line with ESG standards in creating a more sustainable business environment.
The challenge that arises is increasing tax compliance and enforcement of legal regulations. Even though there are government policies, especially in the role of ESG, non-compliance and difficulties in law enforcement can reduce the effectiveness of mitigation measures and allow companies to continue to adopt tax avoidance mitigation.
Prof. Dr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi., M.Sc

Prof. Dr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi., M.Si was confirmed as Professor in the Field of Aquatic Environmental Biotechnology. She is the 21st active Professor at FPIK, the 217th active Professor at UB, and the 381st Professor of all Professors produced by UB.
He made modern biotechnological innovations in controlling the aquatic environment, especially pathogenic infections in fish, which was named ‘Nona Tersipu’, or Nanovaccine Innovation for Controlling RNA-Viruses in Grouper Fish Commodities.
The novelty of Nona Tersipu is that it uses a specific protein framen from marine microalgae C. vulgaris, with the synergism of chitosan and silver nanoparticles. This innovative product in the form of recombinant PerCp-AgNPS is used to control virulogic diseases caused by RNA viruses in grouper commodities.
The advantage of this nanovaccine is that besides being biodegradable, it is biocompatible, it is able to bind the vaccine material well and deliver the vaccine material specifically to the target organs and cells quickly. Production can be done more quickly and efficiently, because the starter can be stored and reproduced whenever it needed. The amount of nanovaccine used is very small compared to ordinary conventional vaccines.
The weakness of the PerCp C-AgNPs nanovaccine product is that it requires technology, high knowledge and adequate infrastructure in the production process.
Prof. Drs. Mohamad Muslikh, M.Si., Ph.D

Prof. Drs. Mohamad Muslikh, M.Sc., Ph.D was appointed as Professor in the field of Analytical and Geometry Sciences. He is the 28th active Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the 218th active Professor at UB, and the 382nd Professor of all the Professors that UB has produced.
He succeeded in introducing a new finding of fixed point existence with the model name “Fixed Point Existence Theorem” for function derivatives.
This finding is a development of the previous function-based fixed point existence, through combining differentiated functions with their function derivatives.
The novelty and advantage of this finding is that it guarantees the existence of a common fixed point for the function and its derivative so that the fixed point for the derivative function can be obtained simultaneously.
The existence of fixed points for function derivatives offers a simplified analysis of the stability of equilibrium points (fixed points) in dynamic systems, pure economic exchange or other models that use the criterion of the value of function derivatives at that point.
However, the weakness or deficiency of this discovery is that not all generating functions in the system or model are differentiated. In addition, this finding is still limited to functions defined on the real number line.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Aminudin Afandhi, M.S

Prof. Dr. Ir. Aminudin Afandhi, M.S was confirmed as Professor in the Field of Biological Control Sciences with Insect Pathogenic Fungi. He is the 35th active Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture (FP), the 219th active Professor at UB, and the 383rd Professor of all Professors that UB has produced.
He formulated the concept of self-sustainable production of insect pathogenic fungi (JPS) conidia to reduce pest populations naturally.
Galengan as an environmental service, independently and sustainably has the potential to produce abundant conidia and support the JPS in rice fields.
The Semi-Natural Galengan (GSA) approach using JPS and galengan as biological, natural and local resources, based on ecological theory and principles, is an innovation and new hope for inoculum production for JPS explosions in rice fields
The advantage of GSA is that it is easy for farmers to do at an affordable cost, so it is easy for farmers to adopt. However, there are several drawbacks to the GSA approach, namely that it still requires implementation testing before being socialized to the farming community. [Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]