Doctoral Service Program UB Develops the Punten Tourism Village

The Team of Thematic Internship Students and DSP UB
The Team of Thematic Internship Students and DSP UB

The lecturers of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) in collaboration with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FAT) and the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FAS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) conduct Doctoral Service Program (DSP) with the theme “Upwarding the Prospective of the Punten Tourism Village”, which was started on Saturday (8/21/2021) in Punten Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City.

Punten Village, which has four hamlets, is the focus of the DSP implementation. Dr. Esti Junining, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Vice Dean for General Administration, Finance, and Personnel of FCS UB, as the Head of the DSP team, said that the focus of this DSP was the community service in the field of human resource development in Punten village as a tourism village.

“Last year, DSP’s focus was only on the Kungkung Tourism Village, but this year, the focus is on making Punten Village a Tourism Village,” explained Esti.

“The main focus is the community’s demand for the Punten Tourism Village,” she said.

“From the need analysis, it was concluded that the center of the visitors’ interest is in the production of lemon-scented hand sanitizers as the result of cooperation with FAT,” said Esti.

She also explained the role of FCS which would later focus on the work on branding the lemon-scented hand sanitizer, such as naming and packaging the product. The FAS’s role focuses on financial management, especially in several cafes in Punten Village, whose financial management is not yet professional.

The handover of lemon processing products to the Head of Punten Village, Drs. Hening Trisunu
The handover of lemon processing products to the Head of Punten Village, Drs. Hening Trisunu

The DSP team is also assisted by students from FCS, FAT, and FAS, who are currently participating in the Thematic Internship Program. The students will later be involved in making village profiles, creating product designs, covering video activities, and other activities that will help the process of developing the Punten Tourism Village.

“They will be supported by five Field Supervisors. First, I am as the representative from FCS, Dr. Musthofa Lutfi from FAT, Dr. Nila Firdausi Nuzula from FAS, Isti Purwaningtyas, M.Pd. (a lecturer in the Study Program of English Literature), and Didik Hartono, M.Pd., (a lecturer from the Study Program of English Language Education FCS UB),” said Esti.

“We have three service assistants, they are Nuriah and Lia, assistants in the field of English, Arini, an assistant in the field of Agricultural Technology, plus three other students,” she added.

“I hope that later what we give to the community will be useful because, when the village has developed, automatically there will also be a good relationship between Punten village and UB,” said Nuriah, as a representative of the students participating in the DSP team.

“By participating in this program, we will gain new knowledge and experiences that we have never had before,” she added. [DTS]