UB Develops Coastal Ecotourism in South Coast of Tulungagung Regency

UB through the Doctoral Service program in 2024, contributes in improving the economy of the coastal communities in the south coast of Tulungagung Regency, especially Kalibatur Village, Kalidawir District. The service led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, ST, M.Kes., IPU. ASEAN.Eng from the faculty of engineering and 15 lecturers and students will be carried out for 9 months.

The development and mitigation of ecotourism was chosen as a program because from the problem mapping, at least two problems emerged in Kalibatur Village, namely the unpreparedness of the human resources of the Kalibatur Village community with the construction of the southern cross-country route, section sine, and the confusion of the village government in preparing a work program to support the potential of Kalibatur Village after the construction of the southern cross-country route, section sine.

The program, which has been implemented since July 11, 2024, has activities such as FGD in compiling the development of ecotourism areas, mitigating the risks of the sine section ecotourism area, forming a forum for sine section ecotourism community organizations, workshops on preparing the sine section ecotourism program and compiling a canvas business model for the Kalibatur Village sine section ecotourism area, compiling detailed work programs and budget proposals.

With the program still running until now, it has received a positive response from the village community. One of them is Asim, the Head of Kalibatur Village. He expressed his gratitude to the community service team and he hopes that the ecotourism masterplan in Kalibatur Village will truly be realized.

“Thank you to Universitas Brawijaya team led by Prof. Sholihah, hopefully with this program Kalibatur Village can have a village masterplan, especially for tourism,” he said. (ROM/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)