UB Wins General Champion of the 2023 MTQMN XVII

Brawijaya University (UB) became the general champion in the XVII National Student Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur’an. The announcement was read by the Chairman of the MTQMN Board of Judges, Prof. KH Said Agil Husein Al Munawar at the closing of activities at the Samantha Krida Building, Thursday (9/11/2023).

In his speech Prof. Said Agil said that of the 250 participating universities, 53 were outstanding.

“Decided and determined according to the attachment to the decision of the MTQMN Board of Judges that the overall champion was won by Universitas Brawijaya (UB) with a score of 88, second was the State University of Malang (UM) with a score of 50; third, Indonesian Islamic University (UII) with a score of 41; University of North Sumatra score 36; Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra (28); UGM (26); and so on,” said Prof. Said Agil.

Obtaining the overall champion title held by UB is an achievement in the following competition categories: Musabaqah Fahmil Qur’an (1st Place); Musabaqah Hifzhil Qur’an 30 Juz Women 1st Place; Men’s Musabaqah Hifzhil Qur’an 30 Juz 2nd Place; Musabaqah Scientific Writing on Al-Qur’an Content 2nd Place; Women’s Musabaqah Tartil Qur’an 2nd Place; Women’s Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an 2nd Place; Musabaqah Hifzhil Qur’an 20 Juz Champion Woman; Musabaqah Khaththil Qur’an Men’s Contemporary Group 3rd Place; Musabaqah Khaththil Qur’an Women’s Contemporary Group 3rd Place; Musabaqah Reading of the Book of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 3rd Place; Women’s Musabaqah Qira’at Sab’ah 3rd Place; Men’s Musabaqah Tartil Qur’an 3rd Place; Musabaqah Design of Al-Qur’an Computer Application, 1st Runner Up; Musabaqah Hifzhil Qur’an 10 Juz Men’s 1st Place Winner; Men’s Musabaqah Hifzhil Qur’an 20 Juz 1st Place Winner; and Musabaqah Qira’at Sab’ah Men’s 1st Runner-up.

On this occasion, Prof. Said Agil also read out the names of the winners for the 15 MTQMN competition categories.

“Each of the 1st to 3rd place winners will receive a certificate, trophy and coaching money,” he said.

Meanwhile, expert staff from the Ministry of Education and Culture for Talent Management, Tatang Muttaqin, Ph.D, said that MTQMN is an effort to maintain good traditions, never stopping to identify and look for new talents who will become successors in the future.

“This is in line with the spirit of ulama not to stop looking for new, better successors so that they can truly achieve the national talent target,” he said.

On the closing night of MTQMN the Best Presenter category for Al-Qur’an Computer Application Design went to Bandung Institute of Technology; and Inspiring Young Talent for Al-Qur’an Computer Application Design won by Syi’ah Kuala University; Scientific Young Talent in Al-Qur’an Computer Application Design won by Padjadjaran University; Ahsanul Munadrilin’s category for Scientific Debate on the Content of the Qur’an in Arabic was won by Jakarta State University.

Meanwhile, the favorite participant in the Scientific Debate on the Content of Qur’an in English was won by Gorontalo State University.

And the Best Speaker for Scientific Debate on the Content of Qur’an in English was won by Udayana University. (UB PR/ Trans. Iir).


  From Berita UB

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