UB becomes the Host of  “KUMHAM Goes To Campus”

Vice Rector of Student Affairs, Alumni and Entrepreneurship Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, SH., MH received National Criminal Code from the Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights, Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, S.H., M.Hum

Universitas Brawijaya becomes the host of 16 tertiary institutions “KUMHAM Goes To Campus”, which is the program of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in socializing the National Criminal Code (KUHP) which was just ratified in January 2023.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni and Entrepreneurship Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, SH., MH said that KUMHAM Goes To Campus was attended by UB students from various faculties in 18 faculties, not only the Faculty of Law.

“This is an interesting and important activity for all of us and students from various faculties. Understanding the new Criminal Code needs to be known by all groups, not only academics, practitioners, and students in the field of Law, but also society in general,” he said.

Setiawan said that everyone is considered to know the law.

“Students who are not law students are required to know the Criminal Code with the hundreds of articles that have just been ratified,” he said.

Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Wamenkumham RI) explaining the ratification of the National Criminal Code to replace the colonial-era Conventional Criminal Code which was no longer updated.

“In terms of the process, the National Criminal Code is not something that is in a dark tunnel, working quietly but a long journey of approximately six years. This wasn’t something that suddenly fell from the sky. The Penal Code was finalized in 2019 but there were pressures to postpone it, so we finally fixed it on December 6, 2022 and passed it in January 2023,” he said.

In the process of drafting the National Criminal Code, Edward said, there was a lot of public input that had been formulated.

“That it is impossible for us to formulate all public input because one public with another can have different opinions so we have to have a win win solution,” he said.

Meanwhile, one of the proofreading members who is also a lecturer in FH Fachrizal Afandi, S.Psi., S.H., M.H., Ph.D., said that the purpose of establishing the National Criminal Code was because the previous ones were out of date and there was much that needed to be revised.

“The criminal articles in the new National Criminal Code need to be socialized because they will target all of us. For example, in the past, people lived together in cohabitation before they could not be punished, now they can be punished according to reports from parents. This must be known so that people do not take the law into their own hands and so that people know what can be done and what cannot be done. The point is the orientation of recovery towards victims and society,” he said

It is hoped that in the future Indonesian law will be able to better filter and punish those who are truly guilty. The current orientation of the Criminal Code is to democratize or be more democratic and do not just be punished and if there is a reason for forgiveness from the victim it should not be a reason for punishment. (OKY/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)