UB Initiates Collaboration with Densus 88 to Prevent Radicalism

The Discussion of Collaboration between FISIP UB and Densus 88

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) held a Cooperation Agreement Discussion Meeting with Densus 88, Thursday (30/06/2022). The activity which was held in Building B 7th Floor FISIP was held as the initial stage of signing the cooperation between FISIP UB and Densus 88.

Dean of FISIP, Dr. Sholih Mu’adi, S.H., M.Si in his speech said that this collaboration is an effort to prevent radicalism in the realm of students.

“UB has the largest number of students in Indonesia, it is not easy to prevent radicalism on its own, therefore we need the support of various parties, ranging from parents, lecturers, alumni, to the police, Danrem, and especially Densus 88,” explained Sholih.

This collaboration to prevent radicalism was initiated by FISIP, and will be followed up with other faculties. Sholih hopes that later, the agreed collaboration will be applied with something concrete, such as providing tolerance material for new students, or a non-credit curriculum.

“With the non-credit curriculum, it is hoped that all students will be able to gain knowledge about tolerance, not just few. Because the concept of prevention is the most important,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Prevention of Detachment 88 Anti-Terror POLRI Kombes. Pol. Ami Prindani, S.I.K., M.Si expressed his appreciation for this cooperation plan.

“We need massive cooperation to continuously provide understanding to the public so that they don’t fall into the notion of radicalism. Because the entrance to the spread of radicalism can come from anywhere. With this collaboration, we have partners to prevent radicalism in campus, “he said.

Explained by Commissar. Pol. Ami Prindani, the collaboration between Densus 88 and UB is the first collaboration with the university.

“This is the first time Densus 88 has collaborated with universities. I am optimistic that this effort will be carried out well, and we will make it a model for cooperation with other universities in the future in preventing intolerant and radicalism,” he said.

Also attended in this discussion are the Vice Rectors, Vice Deans, Head of Departments, and Head of FISIP Study Program.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Internationalization Prof. Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, M.S on this occasion conveyed the need for collaboration between the cooperation agreement and Independent Learning Independent Campus Program (MBKM) in UB.

“Thus, our students can get facilities to carry out MBKM in Densus 88, either for internships or doing research, which will certainly be beneficial for both parties,” he said.

At the end of the event, UB Rector, Prof. Widodo., S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc said that UB has a vision to become a World Class University (WCU). Therefore, UB forms students to have a global mindset.

“This is a character that we want to instill in UB students, and one of the characteristics of a global mindset is to have the nature of respecting differences. Therefore, all the academic community are expected to work together to realize UB ideals to become competent human resources in this global era,” concluded the Rector.

This activity was also attended by the Chief of Malang City Police Bhudi Hermanto, S.I.K., M.Si and Commander Col. inf. Yudhi Prasetiyo, S.Ip. This activity is coupled with a Discussion and Joint Declaration in Rejecting Intolerance, Radicalism and Terrorism in UB which is held on the same day. [Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]