UB Holds Workshop on the Accountability of Financial Management of PTNBH Universities

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Workshop on the Accountability of Financial Management of PTNBH Universities on Tuesday (1/21/2025) at the Algoritma Auditorium, Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) UB to improve better, flexible, efficient financial governance, and support the achievement of university performance contracts.

Secretary of UB Budget and Treasury Directorate, Sarji, said that this workshop was motivated by the need to ensure that UB’s large financial management is carried out effectively and efficiently.

“The goal is that the results of financial management are truly in accordance with expectations, efficient, and support UB’s future development,” said Sarji.

This workshop was attended by the Vice Chancellor, Dean, Vice Dean II from all faculties, as well as Directors of Directorates, Working Units, and other units under the rectorate. As the main speaker, the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdiktisaintek), Dr. Chatarina Muliana Girsang, S.H., S.E., M.H. was present.

Dr. Chatarina, who is an alumna of UB Faculty of Law batch of 1995, explained the role of the Inspector General as an internal supervisor who conducts audits on governance in the ministry, including the management of the budget of state universities (PTN) and private universities (PTS) that receive funds from the APBN. This includes the budget for scholarship programs, such as KIP (Kartu Indonesia Pintar), which is given to its students.

After the direction from the Inspector General, the activity continued with the annual reconciliation of income and expenditure from each unit in the faculty. This reconciliation aims to ensure transparency in financial management, both in terms of income and expenditure in all faculties and related units.

“We hope that each faculty and unit is disciplined in managing its income and expenditure. Therefore, the reconciliation process can be completed correctly and quickly,” added Sarji.

Through this workshop, UB hopes to create a more accountable financial system and support the achievement of the university’s vision as a superior university at the national and international levels. (KAN/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)