Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a hybrid introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) for six days (16/8-21/8/2022). The implementation of PK2MB on the first day was attended by 500 students who attended directly at the Rectorate Field. While the remaining 15,179 students took part online.
The Rector, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Med.Sc welcomes new students Adicitta 60 as an important part of UB. While in UB, they will be guided by lecturers who are educated in their fields of knowledge with qualities as educators, lecturers and supervisors. It is hoped that students will graduate with scientific abilities and expertise, skillful and commendable attitudes, and integrity, not only as job seekers, but as job creators.
During the ceremony, participants were greeted by the Rector, Vice Rector and the Deans. After that, there was a speech from the Student Executive President, and an offering from the Raja Brawijaya committee. The Rector raised keris as a symbol of the opening of the activities of Raja Brawijaya 2022.
Ormawa Coordinator, dr. Eriko Prawestiningtyas, Sp.F, explained that the new student admission procession only lasted until 11.00. Meanwhile, the second and third days were just blended and divided into four sessions. Each session was attended offline by 750 new students at Samantha Krida Building while the rest took part online through Google Meet and Zoom.
“Students who have finished their session are not obliged to stay in UB, so they can follow the next session online,” he said.
To support the implementation of online PKKMB, the committee has prepared 144 operators. This operator will not only be responsible technically but is also expected to be the supervisor of the online PKKMB.
“For the operator committee that will supervise the activities of new students online, there will be a Technical Guidance which one of the materials is from the Counseling and Prevention of Sexual Violence Unit,” he said.
The Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Medicine conveyed to the student committee represented by EM and DPM elements, there was no student mobilization to the exit gate, just directed them out of the event building. In addition, it is also not allowed to mobilize students by faculty before entering the field.
Faculty Ordik and Ormawa for two days will be filled with material on the life of the nation, state, and fostering awareness of defending the country; the higher education system in Indonesia; universities in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and campus life during the pandemic; environmental awareness, risk management, and a healthy campus; material for developing student character so that they have an attitude as intellectual, anti-violence, and anti-bullying; Local Contents material.
Meanwhile, Student President, Nurcholis Mahendra hopes that new students can follow PKKMB well as a starting point to get to know UB, campus organizations, friendship, and cultural differences.
He guaranteed that in the implementation of PKKMB there was no bullying by the committee. This has been stated in the Rector’s Regulation Number 63 of 2022 concerning PKKMB for the academic year of 2022/2023.
“We will not carry out a shout out to mobilize students. The committee treats the participants with humanity,” he said.
The Chief Executive of Raja Brawijaya, Khofifah Aqsha, said that new students started arriving at 05.00. At each entrance, new students are asked to make a presence using a barcode scan. After that, new students lead to the Rectorate Field to prepare for the ceremony
Regarding preventing the spread of COVID-19, UB provides provisions for new students who attend offline activities not to be sick (cough, runny nose, fever), have dose-2 vaccines, wear KN-95 masks, bring hand sanitizers and bring independent paper boards. For the Raja Brawijaya committee, the university provides a dose 2 vaccine facility at the Universitas Brawijaya Hospital (RSUB). [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]