Commemorating the 62nd Anniversary, Universitas Brawijaya held a Trekking activity with the theme Forest Healing, Saturday (11/24/2024). The event, which took place in Sumberwangi Karangploso, aimed at introducing UB Forest as an educational forest area managed under the status of a Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK).
“We want to show that this forest is not only for education, but also for training, research, and technology development. One of the main activities is forest healing through trekking, which is safe for forest sustainability,” said the Head of the Event Executive, Dr. Muhammad Rofiq, S.P., M.P.
This event includes various activities such as trekking as far as 87 meters with challenging but safe terrain, planting rare trees, to the launch of forest management technology based on the Internet of Things (IoT).
The Vocational lecturer, Rachmad Andri Atmoko, S.ST., M.T., explained the advantages of the IoT technology applied, such as the use of LoRa (Long Range) waves to overcome signal constraints in forest areas.
“LoRa allows sending image and video data even without the internet, with the support of batteries and solar cells for energy efficiency,” he said.
UB Forest not only functions as a recreational area, but also a research and conservation center. One of its flagship programs is collaboration with the Indonesian Rare Tree Forum to preserve endangered endemic trees, such as Puger and Keruing.
Rifqi Rahmat Hidayatullah, S.Hut., M.Sc., a forestry lecturer and manager of UB Forest, explained that this collection of rare trees was chosen based on the suitability of the environmental characteristics of UB Forest.
“This forest is also expected to be a place for research for pharmaceuticals and health, considering the many pharmacological benefits that can be found from forest flora,” added Rifqi.
The development of IoT at UB Forest has begun by installing LoRa-based CCTV equipped with artificial intelligence algorithms to detect security threats. This technology uses a combination of MQTT protocols to send small data, such as images and environmental sensors, which will be used for long-term forest management.
“We have tested this device with a solar cell battery. Under ideal conditions, the device can last up to one month without additional charging,” explained Rachmad.
The Chairperson of UB’s 62nd Anniversary, Abdul Ghofar, SE., M.Sc., DBA., Ak., hopes that this activity can help reduce stress among academics while introducing the potential of UB Forest more widely. “In addition to healing, UB Forest can be a center for IoT-based technology research and conservation. We ask for support to realize greater benefits in the future,” he said.
This activity is UB Forest’s first step in integrating recreation, conservation, and technology functions.
With proper management, UB Forest has the potential to become a model of a modern educational forest that supports environmental sustainability and the advancement of science.
The activity was attended by UB Rector, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc., the ranks of the rectorate, faculty deans, and participants from the academic community and students.
“The road access to UB Forest must be improved so that the use of the forest, both for healing and research, is more optimal,” said Prof. Widodo. (dilla/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)