UB Holds Regional ONMIPA

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is the host for the Regional National Olympiad for Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ONMIPA). The activity was held on Thursday to Friday (28/6-29/7) at the OSCE Building, Faculty of Medicine (FK) UB, 7th Floor.

Topanal Gustiranda as the Central Committee of the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI) said the ONMIPA event this time was held online and offline.

A total of 34 judges occupy their respective rooms in UB Medical Faculty Building to test participants online.

A total of 3854 out of a total of 301 Universities participated in the ONMIPA this year, which consisted of 816 participants in the field of Physics, 1074 participants in the field of Biology, 760 participants in the field of Chemistry and 1171 participants in the field of Mathematics.

At the beginning of August, the best 65 participants in each field will be selected to take part in the next stage at the national level which will be held around September. Especially for the best participants in the field of Mathematics, they will be prepared to take part in an international event held in Bulgaria.

“This regional ONMIPA event went well and smoothly. Various infrastructure facilities have been well prepared by UB. On behalf of the entire central committee, we thank to your help and totality in organizing this activity,” said Topan. (PON/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).