After successfully carrying out the selection of new student admissions through the national selection, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) once again held an annual Evaluation Monitoring to discuss the administrative process and reporting of SNBP activities (achievement track) and UTBK (test line). This activity was held for three days, (26-28/05/2023), at The Singhasari Resort, Batu. Some of the material presented relates to monitoring and evaluating the national selection for the 2023/2024 school year, namely: Report on the 2023 SNBP New Student Admissions by the Director of the Directorate of Administration and Academic Services Dr. Rosihan Asmara, S.E., M.P, Evaluation of SNBP and UTBK New Student Admission Administration Process by the Director of the Directorate of Information Technology Dr. Raden Arief Setyawan, S.T., M.T, Financial Report on the Implementation of SNBP and UTBK by the Director of the Directorate of Budget and Treasury Drs. Sagiya.
In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso MP as Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs revealed that the national selection of tertiary institutions is one part of the campus introduction steps for prospective student participants. With quite a large number of specializations from year to year, even becoming a priority for the choice of destination campuses, UB should have maintained the image of the alma mater properly, implementing the tri-dharma seriously. Many prospective students choose the main goal of studying at UB campus, both through national and independent selection, this is the duty of the campus to build trust in the community, create the impression of a safe and comfortable academic environment. UB currently accepts 5,380 (14%) prospective students through the SNBP route out of a total of 39,842 applicants, 5,297 (98%) have already filed, and 5,237 (97%) participants have re-registered.
Considering that there are several policies that must be adjusted to government regulations, this year UB has allocated a SNBP route quota of 30 percent and 40 percent for the SNBT quota, as well as determining technical regulations in preparing for UTBK exam in the campus environment such as providing computer room facilities to mapping the implementation schedule. This Internal Monev is also the foundation so that the university can provide the best service to the community in organizing national selection in a fundamental, informative and transparent manner. “Next year UB will optimize UTBK room facilities on the main campus, because this year the committee has prepared 61 rooms for tests in 16 locations. There are some spaces that need to be added as a divider between each table of the examinees. UB also immediately prepares technical additions, such as laptops and computers to server and network installations to expedite activities during UTBK. Regarding the IT system, we hope that in the future server facilities can be scheduled separately for the use of SNBT or independent exams and internal campus activities. The operating system on each computer unit that we have also uses Windows 10 at a minimum and we will always update it in the future so that it can be adapted to the latest devices,” he said.
Vice Rector II for Finance and Human Resources, Dr. Muchamad Ali Safaat, S.H., M.H said that with such a short period of time, every part involved such as ICT, HR, Assets, Finance, Information and others was able to synergize, establish communication, professionalism so that it affected performance. The activity budget allocation has also been well absorbed because operational expenses can be concentrated in one main campus location, and this year UB has only scheduled 1 batch for the UTBK test location by preparing 1,500+ computers, 500+ supervisors. In the process of its activities during the UTBK test, the distribution of test equipment, the smooth running of the internet network, the obligations of every supervisor and person in charge of the room and even security have also gone according to expectations. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]