In carrying out campus education services, the academic and student sectors are inseparable parts. Both are related to each other to support various aspects of work programs such as: reputation, ranking, talent interest, scholarships, academic community achievements and internationalization. It is not uncommon for universities to experience problems related to these two things, therefore an academic and student affairs forum between campuses is needed so that communication can be established to provide benefits for joint solutions. With this background, Brawijaya University (UB) held a working meeting in the academic and student affairs sector, forum of Bureau Heads/Academic and Student Directors, Tuesday (7/11). In the meeting, UB invited 24 representatives of national universities and formed the management of the academic and student affairs forum organization for universities, (coordinator, vice coordinator, secretary and treasurer)
Secretary of the Academic Director, Heri Prawoto, introduced that currently UB has 184 study programs, 61 international accreditations and 113 superior accreditations, with the largest number of new students receiving 15,700+ with a total of 74,000+ students in 2023. He also conveyed UB’s policy in handling status. Student academics at PPDIKTI, including the study leave period, the drop out process, and real time monitoring of student re-registration data through a single data system.
Regarding academic and PDDIKTI services, UB has formed a Rector’s Decree. The PDDIKTI Team at the Rectorate consists of 1 main operator, 3 supporting operators from the academic team and 5 from the ICT team and 1 supervisor. They are tasked with evaluating, assisting and solving problems that exist in all operators and holding technical guidance/training on a regular basis. At the faculty level, it involved the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and a team of operators for each study program and sub-coordinator supervisors for academic and student affairs of the faculty were formed with a total of 90 operator members for all faculties.
Dr. Rosihan as Academic Director hopes that this activity will be the first step to synergize between universities in future national forums, discussing current academic problems and the consequences of central ministry policies. So, facilities are needed to invite speakers from interested institutions, to discuss curriculum issues and the implementation of independent learning, the influence of PPDIKTI changes which have an impact on the higher education academic system. He also appreciated the forum for its attention in entrusting UB’s academic system to become a model and reference for other universities to develop their academic fields. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]