UB Collaborates with Japan to Initiate Robotics and AI Research Center

Sitting in the front row.
From Left to Right : Vice Rector IV of Planning, Collaboration, and Internationalization, Andi Kurniawan, S.Pi.,M.Eng.,D.Sc, Then UB Rector Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc. , then President Medical Sciences School Prof. Kiyofumi Asai, and Vice President (International Affairs) of Data Science School Kiyoko Yokoyama

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) cooperates with various universities in Sakura Country to initiate the establishment of a Research Center of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Deputy Rector IV for Planning, Cooperation and Internationalization, Andi Kurniawan, S.Pi.,M.Eng.,D.Sc, said that the collaboration was carried out because they considered UB to have an important role, one of which was from Nagoya City University (NCU ).

In addition, this collaboration also developed study programs related to Data Science and Material Science as well as various collaborations in the fields of academics, research and innovation.

With this collaboration, it is expected to provide mutual benefits between the two universities.

“We work with universities that really consider UB as an important partner. So that collaboration for growing together can be done,” said Andi Kurniawan.

In the field of Artificial Intelligence, he said, the plan will be implicated in research in the field of life sciences, especially those related to medical plants or herbal plants.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM), Novanto Yudistira, Dr. Eng., S. Kom., M. Sc also added that in the future, the implementation of AI will be carried out for big data at the molecular level of herbal plants.

So it is hoped that UB, through the sophistication of AI, can explore 7,000 useful herbal plants in the health sector.

UB Rector Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc. with President of Nagoya City University
Kiyofumi Asai, MD, Ph.D.

“During a visit to NCU, Ub Rector also made a research presentation entitled Bioinformatic and Holistic Paradigm of the Complexity of Indonesia Traditional Medicine for Promoting Human Health which talks about Indonesia’s biodiversity to open up opportunities in developing research on traditional medicine. However, one thing that must be found a solution is regarding the standardization of product safety,” said Yudis.

In the field of robotics, UB and Waseda University will work together in making a humanoid robot, namely King of Brawijaya.

The collaboration with Waseda University has been established since 2019. UB chose Waseda University because it is one of the best universities in the world ranked 200 in the QS Star version.

Besides that, several professors at Waseda University such as Prof. Shuji Hashimoto (one of the Gundam robot manufacturing team) and Prof. Pitoyo Hartono (Indonesian diaspora who became a professor in Japan) have had many collaborative relationships by becoming guest lecturers or supervisors at FILKOM.

Besides research, the output of the collaboration will also be directed to publication in reputable international journals and encourage journals in UB to become reputable journals.

“Hopefully we can learn and innovate from the research of the professors we meet, specifically for Waseda University and Chukyo University, they are the main experts who are directly involved in the project for making Gundam robots. We encourage UB’s collaboration to work with the world’s leading universities, especially with universities with 100 QS rankings which are also part of UB’s IKU,” said Andi.

Previously, UB also collaborated with other universities in Japan, such as Nagoya University, Chukyo University, Keio University and Waseda University, and was a follow-up to the collaboration that had been done before. (OKY/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)