UB and UNPAD held a national discussion entitled Performance Assessment of Functional Archivist on Saturday, (31/7/2021).
This activity is carried out online using zoom application which is officially opened by the Dean of FISIP UB, Dr. Sholih Mu’adi, SH., M.Si,.
In his speech, Sholih really appreciated this activity. He said that the role of archivists in the future is required to make innovations in handling archives.
This national discussion was attended by 1,976 participants from various institutions in Indonesia.
Acting as the speaker is Drs. Bambang Parjono Widodo, M.Si as the main expert archivist of ANRI.
According to Bambang, every archivist is obliged to fill out the SKP (Employee Work Target) which is carried out in the work unit where the archivist is placed in accordance with the placement decree of the archivist.
“Archivists who do not fill out the SKP within a year will be subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the law,” said Bambang.
According to Bambang SKP JFA is an archivist’s work performance assessment that is carried out systematically with an emphasis on work plan contracts and the level of achievement of employee work targets (archivists) that have been prepared and agreed upon between the archivist and his direct supervisor as the appraiser official.
“Archivists as civil servants will be assessed by their direct superiors as appraisers. The team for assessing the performance of the supervisory agency is ANRI, the Directorate of Archives and Certification of Human Resources, specifically those who occupy the positions of Associate Expert and Main Experts Archives. Meanwhile, the appraisal team of institution’s performance is for the Junior Expert level and below,” explained Bambang.
Filling in the SKP is carried out at the beginning of the current year, or at the beginning of the month when the archivist gets a mutation in another work unit. Meanwhile, the archivist’s performance appraisal is carried out by the appraiser once a year in early January of the following year.
Bambang also explained that the archivist’s work performance assessment was carried out to evaluate the archivist’s performance in carrying out his main duties, as well as to provide instructions for interested officials in order to evaluate work units and organizations.
The performance assessment is carried out on two points, namely the archivist performance value of 60% and the behavior value of 40%.
The more complete the criteria or components of the quality standard of the work are fulfilled, the archivist will obtain an optimal quality score; and the quality value will decrease if there are incomplete criteria or components.
With the fulfillment of the quality standards of the archivist’s work and optimal performance assessment, it will emphasize the functions, duties and authority of the archivist
For completeness of SKP, archivists need to include proof of work to support the quality of the work of archivists who carry out archival activities.
The archivist must collect the completeness of the performance appraisal material according to the archivist’s evidence of work.
Archives work evidence includes physical evidence of each archiving activity; and the basis for carrying out archival activities, can be in the form of a decree (SK), a warrant/letter of assignment, written instructions, verbal or independent instructions.
The National Discussion ended with a question and answer session from the participants who enthusiastically participated in this national discussion until it was finished. (Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)