UB and Telkom Akses Agree to Work Together

The Directorate of Cooperation and Internationalization of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) signed a collaboration between UB and PT Telkom Akses in the 7th Floor of the Rectorate Building, Thursday (6/4/2023).

The signing was carried out by UB Rector, Prof. Widodo accompanied by Vice Rector IV (WR IV) Planning for Cooperation and Internationalization Andi Kurniawan Ph.D along with the Director of HCM and Strategy Telkom Access, Ir. Machsus Kusuma Apryono MM. Also present were the leadership of Telkom Akses accompanying the Director of HCM and Strategy.

“If Indonesia wants to be more advanced and not left behind by other developed countries, then we must be ready to change and get used to digitalization. Students are one of the most decisive human resources. All lines of life that students will aim for must be ready to move forward with digitalization. UB students must be ready to face it. One of UB main concerns at the moment is preparing everything related to digital transformation,” said the Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).

The signing of the collaboration was followed by a guest lecture at the 2nd floor of UB Faculty of Engineering (FT) Dean Building.

Present as speakers at the guest lecture were Machsus Kusuma Apriyono as Director of HCM and Strategy for Telkom Akses and M Djuffrianto as Director of Operations for Telkom Akses. (PON/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)