UB and Keio University Strengthen Collaboration in the Lecturer Works Program

Until now, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) as a university that prioritizes research development continues to innovate in strengthening its global network, one of which is by holding the Lecturer Works (Dosen Berkarya) Universitas Brawijaya program. This strategic collaboration involves UB Department of Mechanical Engineering with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Keio University Japan, as one of the leading universities in the top 200 of the QS World University Rankings and is included in the 180 world rankings. The event, which lasted for three days, from October 23 to 25, 2024, at the Yagami Campus, Keio University, aimed to design and align the curriculum and prepare exchange programs for students and academic staff. The intensive discussion discussed in detail the requirements and implementation for student exchanges, research collaborations, including the visiting professor program and the integration of ISMAA program grafting from UB.

In this collaboration, representatives from Keio University consisted of Prof. Toshiyuki Murakami (Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology), Prof. Miki Norihisa (Head of Mechanical Engineering Department), Prof. Ando Keita (International Affairs of Exchange Students), and Prof. Kenji Yasuoka, showed their strong commitment in this collaboration. Delegates from Mechanical Engineering Universitas Brawijaya, including Ir. Winarto, PhD, Prof. Widya Wijayanti, Prof. Mega Nur Sasongko, and Dr. Eng. Lilis Yuliati, also contributed to the achievement of the agreement. This meeting produced crucial documents in the form of curriculum adjustments and Intend of Letter, marking a step forward in the relationship between the two large institutions. With the formation of this agreement, it is hoped that UB will be increasingly recognized in the eyes of the international community, increasing academic capacity and opening wide access to global standard education, where innovation and competency improvement are the main priorities. (UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

  From Berita UB