UB and BI Invites Students to Love, Proud and Understand Rupiah

UB and BI Invite Students to Love, Be Proud, and Understand Rupiah

Brawijaya University (UB) in collaboration with Bank Indonesia (BI) held the New Generation of Indonesia (GenBI) Goes to Campus, Monday (20/11/2023), at the Widyaloka Building. The event entitled “GenBI Festival: Love, Proud, Understanding Rupiah” was attended by 275 students who received BI scholarships from UB and other universities.

This activity is an empowerment program for BI scholarship recipients as well as commemorating Heroes’ Day. The highlight of the event was a talk show with historian Dr. Reza Hudianto, S.S., M.Hum with the theme “Heroic Inspiration for the Young Generation for Advanced Indonesia”, and “Millennial Generation Proud to Use Rupiah”.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship, Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, S.H., M.H really appreciated this activity.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship, Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, S.H., M.H

“We are very happy since UB has received extraordinary attention from various institutions and agency so that many institutions hold going to campus activities. Thank you to BI for providing large scholarships to many UB students. “I hope that UB students can take advantage of this opportunity to facilitate their studies,” said Setiawan when opening the event.

Head of Bank Indonesia Malang Representative, Samsun Hadi explained that a series of GenBI Festival activities had been carried out starting November 5 2023, consisting of the Friends Bracelet (GenBI Malang Together with the Great Disabled), Badminton Tournament, GenBI Got Talent, stand up comedy competition, blood donation, as well as the highlight is the talk show.

Head of Bank Indonesia Malang Representative, Samsun Hadi

“Through the theme of this talk show, we are reminded that rupiah is not just nominal, but has historical value, especially because every rupiah banknote has images of Indonesian natural scenery. “This is also a reminder and a challenge so that society can continue the hero’s struggle by managing natural resources as well as possible for future generations,” explained Samsun.

One of BI scholarship recipients, Thareq H Hidayat, said that this activity was very useful, because the scholarship recipients were trained, coached and united by BI through the Indonesian New Generation (GenBI).

“BI scholarships do not only take the form of financing, but also focus on student resource development. “Through GenBI, students are empowered so that awardees are not only helped financially but are also prepared in terms of quality and capability,” said the 2020 Law Faculty student.

At this event, appreciation was also given to competition winners in various series of GenBi goes to Campus activities. [Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]