UB Achieves the Highest Position of the Main Performance Indicators

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) achieved the highest position in the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) in 2021 in the PTN-BLU league, and was given an award by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology to the Secretary of the University, Dr.Ir. Setyono Yudo Tyasmoro, MS, on Monday (27/6/2022) in Jakarta.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, drh, DES said, IKU aims to encourage transformation in the field of Higher Education, and there are many criteria that UB has so that it can place it in the highest position.

The criteria they have are in eight main indicators, namely the first, the range of graduate quality seen in IKU1 and IKU2.

This indicator relates to the number of graduates that seeking decent work. In IKU2 the quality of graduates can be seen from the experience of students gaining knowledge outside of campus, such as village project internships, conducting joint research in internships, entrepreneurship and student exchange.

According to Prof. Aul, UB has achieved many criteria in IKU 2, but the value is still low.

IKU3 and IKU 4 are related to the activities of lecturers outside the campus, for example the activities of lecturers as expert staff in the ministry, lecturers doing activities outside campus, and lecturers who are special staff in industry.

“Looking for experience in industry or doing activities on other campuses, UB already has Lecturer Works or Dokar. The form of activities in IKU 4 is for example teaching practitioners on campus in the 3 in 1 program. We have many practitioners who teach on campus. There were around 200 in 2021,” he said.

Prof. Aul added, IKU5 relates to the work of lecturers that are used by the community and can be recognized internationally, for example the GAD65 Diagnostic KID products.

“There are also other products produced by lecturers who get incubation by units in UB, namely mentoring managed by BIIW (Entrepreneurial Incubation Innovation Agency) and assisted by BUA (Academic Business Entity) to be able to cooperate with the downstream root industry of the community, “she said.

Meanwhile, IKU6, IKU 7, and IKU 8 are related to the quality of the curriculum, for example, the world-class collaboration program in the internship and graduate curriculum.

Prof. Aul hopes that next year UB can still reach the top three for IKU achievements.

“We already have the capital, especially for the Semeru MBKM activity, which is an independent MBKM for students completing 20 credits, active collaboration with world-class universities and industry. And from this capital, we hope that next year we can be in the top three for PTNBH League IKU achievements,” she said. (OKY/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).