UB Collaborates with ICMI to Hold National Seminar on Optimizing Zakat and Waqf

Photo of the Head of BAZIS UB, Prof. Imam Santoso, Handing over Scholarships to Students

Brawijaya University (UB) together with the Association of Indonesian Muslim Scholar (ICMI) held National Seminar on the theme “The Optimization of Digital-Based Management of Zakat & Waqf for muslims empowerment.” at the Algorithm Auditorium, Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) UB at (25/3-26 /3/ 2024).

UB Rector, Prof. Widodo S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc., in his speech said that this seminar was held to increase the knowledge of the participants in managing zakat and waqf. Since zakat and waqf can be used to improve the community’s economy.

“In accordance with the theme raised, today there will be a lot of discussion about zakat, waqf and the Muslims empowerment in Indonesia,” he explained.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof Dr Ir Imam Santoso MP said, so far the management of zakat and waqf at UB has been facilitated through UB Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah (Bazis) Agency. So far, the funds collected are IDR 2.5 billion.

“Later, the funds will be distributed according to the intended purposes. For example, zakat is distributed to orphanages. Some are eventually returned to the students needed in the form of scholarships. As was distributed to dozens of students in the Algorithm room,” said Prof Imam.

Prof. Imam, who also serves as Chair of BAZIS UB, said that in this activity, symbolic scholarships were also given to representatives of student beneficiaries.

“The total scholarship awarded is IDR. 1,437,252,500 for more than 300 students,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of ICMI, Prof. Arif Satria, said that by utilizing zakat institutions, waqf can become one of the pillars of the process of alleviating poverty, overcoming inequality, and can also become an economic driver.

“If we look at the potential for zakat, it reaches IDR 327 trillion. Then the potential for waqf of more than IDR 2 thousand trillion is extraordinary. So, managing this extraordinary potential is something we must immediately realize,” he said.

He hopes that this digital era will further increase the quality and quantity of people who donate. At the same time expanding community participation to be directly involved.

He added, ICMI continues to strive to be a source of inspiration for the Indonesian people. However, this inspiration needs to be accompanied by follow-up in the form of transformation.

“We are building an intellectual tradition for the nation, namely intellectuality as a concern. Where our knowledge abilities are accompanied by a spirit that we direct to serve, that is what ICMI must work on,” he said.

So, ICMI is trying to carry out research actions through the small business incubation center which has fostered Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) and MSMEs because ICMI wants to touch the real sector. (UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

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Foto Humas UB/Sukana