UB Collaborates with Six Universities to Hold Socio Legal International Conference

Center for the Development of Socio Legal Studies (PPSL) Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) in collaboration with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and University of Indonesia (UI), UNSW, University of Sydney, University Melbourne and Nagoya University held the third International Socio-Legal Conference themed Resilience In The Time of Crisis: Justice, Access and Participation that held online, Tuesday (9/11/2021).

“The purpose of this scientific activity is to act as a catalyst in the development of socio-legal research in Indonesia and for participants to gain new knowledge and perspectives (in the socio-legal field). In addition, it is hoped that this conference can strengthen networks among academics and socio-legal researchers,” said Fachrizal Afandi, Ph.D as the head of PPSL in his remarks.

The International Conference which was held for two days (8/11-9/11/2021) presented international-scale speakers who were divided into two seminar sessions on the first day.

Session I with the theme: Asian Constitutionalism in Current Authoritarian Turn with Prof. Melissa Crouch (UNSW), Prof. Simon Butt (University of Sydney), Prof. Yuzuru Shimada (Nagoya University).

The second seminar session with the theme: National Resilience in the Time of Crisis between Security and the Human Rights Protection presented three speakers consisting of Dr. Ir. Jacqueline Vel (Leiden University), Dr. Imam Koeswahyono (Universitas Brawijaya), and Prof. Sigit Riyanto (Gadjah Mada University).

Meanwhile, the third seminar session with the theme: The Future of Legal Education and Legal Profession was held on the second day which presented speakers Prof. Tim Lindsey (the University of Melbourne), Prof. Adriaan Bedner (Leiden University), and Prof. Sulistyowati Irianto (University of Indonesia).

The Chairperson of the Conference Committee, Diah Pawestri Maharani, SH., MH coveyed the enthusiasm of the participants was quite good. There were at least 66 ideas and research presented at the conference which were divided into 12 panels.

Each panel were guided by a panelist, namely Fachrizal Afandi, PhD, Dr. Theresia Dyah W, Dr. Joeni Arianto Kurniawan, Milda Istiqomah PhD, Dr. Dian Rositawati, Dr. Rikardo Simarmata, Dr. Ken Setiawan, Lena Hanifah, PhD, Dr. Stijn Van Huis, Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Dr. Widodo Dwi Putro, and Dr. Awaluddin Marwan.

Each panelist provide a response according to their area of ​​expertise to the research results of the presenters.

The International Conference: Resilience In the Time of Crisis: Justice, Access And Participation 2021 also facilitates the publication of articles through an objective review process.

This scientific event documents academic work stemming from the research of scientists during this pandemic. According to Diah Pawestri, the feedback given by the panelists will be an improvement for the results of the research to be published in the form of a journal or proceedings.

The conference was closed with the launching of the Association for Socio-legal Studies of Indonesia (ASSLESI) with a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya, Fachrizal Afandi, PhD who was elected as chairman of ASSLESI for the period 2021 to 2024 with Prof. Sulistyowati Irianto from the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia as Chair of the Advisory Board.

The establishment of ASSLESI was welcomed by Prof. Adriaan Bedner from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands and Prof. Tim Lindsey from the University of Melbourne Australia reminding that the need to disseminate socio-legal studies has long been a necessity and can only be realized this year at Universitas Brawijaya. (FCH/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).