UB Holds a Performance Indicator Workshop

Vice Rector on Planning and Partnership Affairs Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, MS opened a workshop in performance indicatorsUniversity of Brawijaya (UB) held a Workshop of Target and Activities Performance Indicator in Its Strategic Planning. The event conducted at the 8th floor of UB’s Main Office, Sunday (19/Jun/2016).

In his opening address, Vice Rector on Planning and Partnership Affairs, Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, MS mentioned that determination of performance indicators is applied not only for its employees but also the principals, thus each of them have measures or targets to reach.

Dr. Ir. Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, M.App.Sc mentioned that there are around 20 Dikti’s Strategic Target Performance Indicators (Indikator Kinerja Sasaran Strategis/IKSS) in UB’s employment agreement. The indicators are for instance, student numbers in entrepreneurship, percentage in numbers of certified competence graduates, numbers of lecturers with doctoral qualification, and numbers of registered intellectual property rights.

“The indicators later will be divided again in accordance with sections in the institution. For example on number of students in entrepreneurship, studentship bureau will divide it on each Head of Division or Head of Sub Division who deals with the data. Output of the data is how many proposals which later get funding,” he said.

For recent SKP (Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai/employee performance goals) to make is in accordance with the decree but for the next will use indicators which are appropriate with agreements of UB and Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education in 2016.

These indicator achievements in later on will be filled each date 3 on the month of N+1. The first quarter: January – March (the latest to fill is on 3 April). The second quarter: April – June (the latest to fill is on 3 July). The third quarter: July – September (the latest to fill is on 3 October). The fourth quarter: October-December (the latest is on 3 January).

“Indicators that cannot be achieved is 100 percent, then remuneration to get also will not reach until 100 percent,” said Darminto.

He added, the indicator is a routine job to prepare of each unit. For several units who have similar performance indicators to be communicated and so there is no overlapping.

Meanwhile, the activity was organized in two days with participants that being divided into several shifts. On the first day followed by Head of Administration, Head of Division and Head of Sub Division of the faculties. On the second day were such as followed by the Main office is like academic division, finance division, etc. [Oky Dian/Humas UB/trans. Denok]