Faculty of Engineering Presents 7 Teams at the 33rd PIMNAS

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) represented 7 teams to compete in the 33rd National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2020.

“This is a proud achievement, because this is our most representative in the PIMNAS event from previous years,” said the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr.Eng. Ir. Denny Widhiyanuriyawan, S.T., M.T.

Dr.Eng. Denny also appreciated the PIMNAS success committee from the lecturers, students, and administrative staff.

“Thank you for your hard work. But the struggle is not over, it needs high militancy to become the champion of PIMNAS,” said this Mechanical Engineering lecturer.

He also advised that all teams shall take advantage of this national moment to be carved on their journey of life during this pandemic.

This is proof that even in difficult conditions, Arek Teknik still exists to excel and bring achievement for alma mater.

“Don’t just think about getting something from FTUB, but what can we do for FTUB. Hopefully this can marks the advancement of FTUB students,” he said encouragingly.

This year the National Center for Achievement (PUSPRESNAS) in collaboration with Gadjah Mada University will carry out the 33rd National Scientific Week (PIMNAS) of 2020 online on 24-29 November 2020.

Congratulations to all seven teams! Good luck, keep your spirit and work hard, improve your intentions and bring Adikarta Kertawidya back to its KING! 1..2..3 TEKNIK!! Together We Do The Best! (mic)

The seven FTUB teams that qualify to represent UB in the PIMNAS 33 event are as follows:

  1. PKMGFK – Sustainable Flood Management and Water Conservation Systems for Urban Area.
    Supervising lecturer: Dr. Eng. Donny Harisuseno, S.T., M.T.
    Team Members: Yosi Asterina Maharani, Anggie Aqidahtun Nisa, and Syifa Allifa Utrujjah
  1. PKMKC Automatic Milk Milking and Sterilization Innovation Tool Using Plasma Principles
    Supervising lecturer: Ir. Nurussa’adah, M.T.
    Team Members: Muhamad Ibnu Fajar, Elfahra Casanza Amalda, and M. Ali Akram Syah bimbingan
  1. PKMM – Water Purification with Multi Water Treatment Method
    Supervising lecturer: Ir. Bambang Ismuyanto, M.S.
    Team Members: Muhammad Rifki Ridhollah, Made Bagus Armadewa, Anima Rahmatika Putri, and Rashieka Putri Maghfiroh.
  1. PKMTCompressor Based Semi Modern Fertilizer Atomizer
    Supervising lecturer: Rudianto Raharjo, S.T., M.T.
    Team Members: Muhammad Iqbal Ashari, Adji Wicaksono, Charis Maulana, Muhammad Faiz Luthfianto, Moch. Iqbal Wahyu Hidayat, and Muhammad Qashmal Fachrezi.
  1. PKMTConversion of Hot Liquid Waste into Clean Energy
    Supervising lecturer: Eka Maulana ST., MT., M.Eng.
    Team Members: Abdul Mudjib Sulaiman Wahid, Ihza Aulia Rahman, Hogi Syahputra, Sifaul Masud, and Sheilla Saffana
  1. PKMTSorting Corn Kernels to Get Quality Seeds Using Conventional Neural Network Methods
    Supervising lecturer: Ir. Nurussa’adah, M.T.
    Team Members: Nisrina Rania Habibah, Rizki Chandra Maulana, Angela Sembiring, and Revy Dhea Septyaningrum.
  1. PKMTMultifunctional Baby Incubator
    Supervising lecturer: Rahmadwati, S.T.,M.T.,Ph.D.
    Team Members: Rafa Raihan Fadilla, Mochammad Rofi Sanjaya, Ajeng Kusuma Dewi, Muhammad Yogi Nurrohman, Andi Nurul Isri Indriany Idhil, and Monika Ayu Puji Anggraini

  From Berita UB