TNI AD and UB Held the Third Dose  Vaccine

Army (TNI AD) through Rumkitban Bhirawa Bhakti Hospital, Malang Kesdam Clinic, in collaboration with RSUB, and UB Medical Faculty held a booster vaccine for the 3rd dose of Pfizer type in Samantha Krida Building UB, Wednesday (2/2/2022).

The vaccine is intended for UB’s academic community, families and the general public.

“Today’s vaccination quota is 1000 people. The targets are the general public, academics and families. Because the number of registrants has increased, the quota has been increased to 1,500,” said the Head of Vaccination, dr. Muhammad Anshory, Sp.PD.

Screening Process

Anshory hopes that with more and more boosters, it can increase immunity, especially to overcome the third wave of COVID-19.

“Even though you have received the vaccine, you must still comply with health protocols properly,” said dr. Anshory. (OKY/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).

  From Berita UB