Improving Services, UB Presents ALMA as the First Hardware in Academic Services Innovation

The Utilization of academic services with Self-Service Kiosk (ALMA)

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) presents the latest innovation in its academic service process by launching the Self-Service Kiosk (ALMA) at the end of June 2024. ALMA is a tool that can be used by students, academics, education personnel, and lecturers to print submissions of important documents independently.

ALMA, which is another term for Kiosk, is a form of innovation in providing easy services, a collaboration between the Directorate of Administration and Academic Services (DALA) and the Directorate of Technology and Information (DTI) UB.

Dr. Rosihan Asmara, SP., MP., Director of DALA, explained that ALMA is present as a manifestation of the hopes of UB Chancellor, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc, to make all academic service administration technology-based. The goal is to make it easier for students to access academic services that have so far used human intermediaries and required a long time of up to several days.

“The Chancellor wants all academic service administration to be technology-based, why? Because it makes it easier for students to activate services. In the past, what was served by employees took days. For example, if you want a college certificate, you have to apply first, fill out the form, wait for verification, then submit it to the leadership to be approved, the Chancellor doesn’t want it, so when students apply, they go straight out, because the data is already systematized so they don’t need to fill it in anymore,” explained Rosihan as Director of DALA UB.

ALMA will be launched, in the initial stage, four ALMA units will be placed in the UB Rectorate, with plans for the future to add units in each faculty. Dr. Rosihan Asmara, S.E., M.P., stated that the document submission process through ALMA can only be accessed from campus and is not available in the form of a website or application because document submission requires verification. This aims to ensure that the printed documents can be accounted for, similar to documents processed through employee intermediaries.

The benefits of ALMA for students are very significant, including the ability to print documents such as temporary academic transcripts, active college certificates, and IT certification certificates. For other academics, ALMA can be used to print employee certificates and other important documents. The presence of ALMA is expected to increase efficiency and effectiveness in issuing documents, which so far has taken a long time through human intermediary services.

As the first hardware released by UB, preparations for the launch of ALMA have been carried out for quite a long time. However, Dr. Rosihan Asmara emphasized that the improvement of ALMA is still being carried out in stages. For example, currently ALMA can only print temporary academic transcript submissions, and development is still being carried out so that it can print final academic transcripts.

“The preparation for ALMA has been quite long, but we are doing it in stages, first we fix the system, now the system is all electronic, so it is complete in Gapura, after all the systems are built, then the hardware is built,” explained Rosihan.

Dr. Rosihan Asmara hopes that with ALMA, academic services at UB can be enjoyed by all students easily, quickly, and accurately. “All academic services can be enjoyed by students easily, meaning easy in a short time, not difficult, and then accurate,” he said.

There are five guidelines for using the QR Code on Mandiri Printing Service machine, namely: First: Access Gapura Mobile on your mobile device, Second: Login to Gapura Mobile using your UB account, Third: Click the menu button in the upper left corner of Gapura Mobile, Fourth: Select the QR Code menu on your Gapura Mobile display, and Fifth: After the QR Code appears, point the QR Code at the QR scanner on the Self-Printing Service machine.

With the presence of ALMA, Universitas Brawijaya shows its commitment in utilizing technology to improve the quality of academic services and provide convenience for the entire academic community. (dzilla/wdd/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

Academic Transcript Printing Services at ALMA
Self-Service Kiosk Machine