Improving Imformation Services, East Java Provincial Government Discuss the Manuscript Preparation of KIP Collaboration with UB

To prepare for the realization of Public Information Openness (KIP) improvement programs in 2023, East Java Province is following up on the signing of a collaboration (MoU) with Universitas Brawijaya (UB) which was agreed in 2021 ago. The discussion on collaboration was carried out via zoom, Wednesday (29/3) involving several related units from both the East Java Provincial Government Service and at UB campus, such as the Economic and Legal Bureau, East Java Provincial Cooperation Section, East Java KOMINFO to the Cooperation Section, Legal Division, PPID and UB Information Division. So far, East Java Provincial Government has also collaborated with faculties at UB to strengthen the outcomes of activities related to public service.

Dr. Muchamad Ali Safa’at SH, MH as Vice Rector for Finance and Resources said that the cooperation between the two is expected to be carried out immediately to provide maximum and quality services and to be able to continue every year according to the agreement between the two parties.

The preparation of this collaboration is a strategy for information services, information technology and publications within the scope of; Implementation of KIP and competency development, dissemination of public information through public relations and information service media, handling filing systems and documents, handling complaints, data management, updating data in the One Data System Indonesia as well as the implementation of the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM).

The East Java Provincial Government together with UB campus will establish a roadmap and KIP implementation mechanism towards the National One Data Indonesia program, including reciprocal (two-way) access through the system, where both of them have the opportunity to view data internally when needed to improve information services. Besides that, UB will also organize community survey programs, carry out reporting, evaluation and monitoring, provide learning materials on improving human resources and advocacy to handling complaints and denunciation. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]