Improving Teaching Competence, FILKOM Held Workshop For All Lecturers

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) held a workshop to improve and strengthen the pedagogic abilities of lecturers. This activity was carried out for two weeks (31/1-3/2/2023) offline and was attended by all FILKOM lecturers. The speakers came from FILKOM’s internal lecturers and some came from outside, namely Dr. Henry Praherdhiono, S.Si., M.Pd FIP UM Lecturer; Prof. Dr. Eddy Sutadji, M.Pd and Dr. Hary Suswanto, S.T., M.T. FT UM Lecturer; Prof. Sri Rahayu, MEd, PhD Lecturer at FMIPA UM; and Cleoputri Al Yusainy, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D. FISIP UB Lecturer.

This activity was opened by remarks by the Dean of FILKOM, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., MT., Ph.D. who said that this activity aims to improve the ability of lecturers in providing services and teaching for students.

“This event was held in order to improve quality competence and development in the field of service and teaching for students. Learning methods must also be varied so that they are not boring and can be understood by students,” said Prof. Wayan.

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) held a workshop to improve and strengthen the pedagogic abilities of lecturers. This activity was carried out for two weeks (31/1-3/2/2023) offline and was attended by all FILKOM lecturers. The speakers came from FILKOM’s internal lecturers and some came from outside, namely Dr. Henry Praherdhiono, S.Si., M.Pd FIP UM Lecturer; Prof. Dr. Eddy Sutadji, M.Pd and Dr. Hary Suswanto, S.T., M.T. FT UM Lecturer; Prof. Sri Rahayu, MEd, PhD Lecturer at FMIPA UM; and Cleoputri Al Yusainy, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D. FISIP UB Lecturer.

This activity was opened by remarks by the Dean of FILKOM, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., MT., Ph.D. who said that this activity aims to improve the ability of lecturers in providing services and teaching for students.

“This event was held in order to improve quality competence and development in the field of service and teaching for students. Learning methods must also be varied so that they are not boring and can be understood by students,” said Prof. Wayan.

Next, Prof. Wayan also really appreciates this positive activity. He explained that the teaching process is not only the transfer of knowledge but also the transfer of values. In addition, what is needed by students is motivation and passion for learning. When students have self-motivation to learn, then automatically these students will actualize optimal self-potential development, enthusiasm for learning, and success in carrying out their educational careers.

Some of the material presented in this workshop included FILKOM Learning Standardization Policy, Socialization of the use of BIMO application for the academic guidance process, Development of Blended Learning teaching modules, Implementation of OBE based on LMS Eling, Collaborative and Participatory Learning based on Team-Based Projects and Case Studies; and the Role of PA Lecturers and Related to Student Mental Health.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Eng. Ir. Herman Tolle, ST., MT. also expressed his hope that with this training, the lecturers will have new enthusiasm and varied and innovative teaching methods so that the learning process on campus can be carried out comfortably, pleasantly and maximally.[drn/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]