UB Team Introduces Zero Waste Integrated Farming System Model to Bone Bolango District Government  03 August 20

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) team in the 2023 Matching Fund program chaired by Dr. Rita Parmawati, S.P., M.E and members Anif Mukaromah Wati, S.Pt., M.Pt., M.Sc., Yohana Avelia Sandy, S.P., M.P., MSc., Diana Aisyah, S.Pi., MPP, and Supriyadi , S.Pi., M.P introduced the Zero Waste Integrated Farming System (ZWIFS) to the district government officials. Bone Bolango. This activity was carried out on August 2, 2023 at the Tolopani Bappedalitbang hall which was attended by the Regent of Bone Bolango, the Chairperson of the KTNA as a member of DPRD, the Head of the Food Security and Agriculture Service, the Head of Bappedalitbang, NGO Japesda, several village heads, and students who will take part in a certified apprenticeship program.

This agricultural model has several advantages, namely that it does not require large areas of land, is environmentally friendly, and the rotation cycle of agriculture, livestock and fisheries which produces zero waste, technology that is environmentally friendly and easily adopted by village youth and the use of maggot which is an alternative to fish feed and have high economic value. UB team in collaboration with the District government, Bappedalitbang, and the East Bulotalangi Village Government will try a pilot by building three prototypes of this ZWIFS model.

“This program from UB team can connect regional and village interests related to the development of tourism villages, agro-tourism, edutourism, food security, and integrated agriculture,” said the Regent of Bone Bolango, Dr. Hamim Pou. “The transfer of agricultural technology from the campus to the community in the village can help advance agriculture in the village and this is a good momentum to make that happen,” said the Head of the Food and Agriculture Security Service, Yusbar Ismail.

Dr. Rita Parmawati, S.P., M.E., as the team leader hopes for the support of all parties to make this pilot a success. This success can later be replicated in several villages with various commodities that are needed by the community and have high economic value. The matching fund program provides an opportunity for campuses to contribute directly to communities far from campus locations that require community development and empowerment. [mf/pon/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]