UB Strategic Community Service Team Collaborates with Kalipuro Sub-District Banyuwangi to Hold KIP Socialization at Village Level

As we know, Law no. 14 of 2008 concerning public information disclosure has long been passed, but there are still many parties who have not implemented the contents contained therein. “The use of village budget can be displayed on information media that can be seen directly by the public, but this is global, such as education, how many percent, not very complicated details, since this matter has an authorized party to audit, it is fine to be transparent” This was conveyed by Mr. Astorik, the Kalipuro sub-district head in his remarks at the KIP socialization event this morning at Kalipuro sub-district hall, Banyuwangi Regency. The sub-district head who always wears a udeng or Banyuwangi head covering added “UB students who are currently doing KKN must be persistent, for all majors. If civil servants must have a NIP, Nrimo Ing pandum. Don’t give up easily, even though you are poor, it’s okay to be happy in serving the people”.

In this socialization event, the strategic community service team as well as the implementing PPID at Universitas Brawijaya wanted to share information with village heads or sub-district heads in Kalipuro sub-district so that there would be no public information disputes caused by delays in providing information because they were not careful in observing the deadline for their services, said Zulfaidah as the implementing PPID of UB. At this event, the resource person was Dr. Lely Indah Mindarti, a lecturer at FIA UB, who presented the types of public information and information that is excluded. In principle, all information is open, except for information that contains personal identity and information that poses a danger to the state if it is opened. That’s what Mrs. Lely explained in her presentation. At the village level, the village secretary as the implementing PPID, so they must always coordinate with the village head so as not to be late in responding to requests for information requested by the community.

To maintain the integrity of governance in the village area, what has been done by the village apparatus can be conveyed through the website, as a bridge of information for the public, added Mrs. Lely, the nickname of FIA ​​lecturer. After completing the activities at the pavilion this time, the mentoring activities were immediately continued at the Pesucen village hall, one of the villages where the 2024 MMD Student Build Village program was held, which is managed by UB Directorate of Research and Community Service. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]