FCS UB Encourages the Japanese Language Learning through Ehon Media

Discussion of FCS UB’s Community Service Team and Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri
Discussion of FCS UB’s Community Service Team and Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri

Beginning from the lack of Japanese language education for junior high school students in Indonesia as the effect of limited learning media that are suitable to the level of junior high school students in Indonesia, the Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) from the Study Programme of Japanese Literature (SPJL) initiated a Japanese language book preparation programme specifically for junior high school students in Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri, East Java.

Santi Andayani, M.A. led the Community Service Programme, which also consisted of three lecturers of the SPJL FCS UB; Emma Rahmawati Fatimah, M.A., Retno Ambarastuti, M.SI., and Ni Made Savitri Paramita, M.A., and was assisted by two Internship students, namely Tiara Felia Al Khazneh and Salsabila Rahmah.

The material contained was not only adapted to the abilities of junior high school students in Indonesia but also contains several contexts related to socio-cultural conditions in Indonesia, especially in Kediri. In addition, to increase the enthusiasm of students in learning, a chibi illustration with a cheerful feel is added in the book.

FCS UB’s Community Service Team and the Principal of Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri
FCS UB’s Community Service Team and the Principal of Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri

It also involved a native speaker in the process of compiling this book. He is also a lecturer at the SPJL FCS UB, namely Iizuka Tasuku, M.A. He acts as the book manuscript editor who checked the prevalence of Japanese use is in accordance with the ability level of junior high school students.

In preparing this book, the FCS UB’s Community Service considered criticisms and suggestions from Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri through direct discussions with Mrs. Hamidah, the principal. The topics discussed included book material and the display of books during a visit to Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri on Saturday (9/24/2022). The preparation of this book is expected to be useful for Saljul Qulub Junior High School Kediri in the Japanese language learning process. [dts]