PKM Team Assists MSME in Increasing Bromo Coffee Market Network

Picture of Discussion with Bromo Coffee Community

The Community Service Team (PKM) consisting of lecturers from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and six students conducts production assistance activities, calculation of costs, and preparation of promotional content at MSME Bromo Coffe Probolinggo. The activity, which took place from July to October, was aimed at facilitating the production of spiced coffee as a new breakthrough and increasing market networks such as resellers and suppliers.

In this activity, the team assisted MSMEs in providing assistance in compiling content for promotion through social media as well as production assistance in testing the quality of spiced coffee conventionally and modernly or using tools.

“From these mentoring activities, we can see a comparison of the results when using tools and conventionally,” said the Head of PKM DIPA Ir. Endra Yuafanedi Arifianto, ST. MT.

Endra added that Probolinggo City was chosen as the location for community service activities since it is an abundant coffee producer.

“Bromo from local farmers. MSMEs dare to innovate in mixing coffee with spices but the taste is still coffee, not herbal medicine. The Bromo coffee network is relatively new and still needs the help of market networks,” said Endra.

Picture of Previous Production with manual slicing
Picture of Machine helps thinner and faster slicing

The PKM 4 credits activity is an activity to meet the criteria for lecturers and students to have activities outside the campus.

The activity partners are probolinggo coffee business actors who are members of bromo coffee community, chaired by Edy Priyanto.

PKM DIPA itself is an activity of disseminating the application of research results and socialization related to the results of activities on campus with the aim of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which is useful for solving problems in society and can encourage community empowerment so that people can also have skills in developing their entrepreneurship.

The PKM DIPA TEAM consists of Ir. Endra Yuafanedi Arifianto, ST. MT., Ir. Dwi Hadi Sulistyarini, ST., MT., Hary Sudjono, S.Si., MT., Ir. Oyong Novareza, ST., MT., Ir. Ihwan Hamdala, ST., MT., and Arif Rahman, ST., MT. (END/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).