PKM BIMA Team FKH UB 2024 Introduces Animal Welfare Maintenance Through Behaviour and Exercise Education for Rabbits to SDN Mejono Kediri Students

In recent years, keeping rabbits as pets has become increasingly popular among the public, including children. However, as this interest grows, it is important to ensure that rabbit care is carried out with consideration for animal welfare to maintain their physical and mental health. Recognising the importance of this, a team of students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB), organised an outreach and education programme for students at SDN Mejono. This programme aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed to care for rabbits properly.

Documentation of the educational activity on rabbit care (introduction to anatomy, behaviour, and feeding) for students of SDN Mejono, Mejono Village, Kediri Regency.

Over two days (22-23 July 2024), a socialisation and education event titled “Introduction to Behaviour and Proper Exercise Patterns to Improve Animal Welfare in Rabbits” was held for students at SDN Mejono by the BIMA FKH UB 2024 Community Service Team. The team comprised three female students, accompanied by the team leader, Drh. Reza Yesica, M.Sc., and supervised by field lecturers Drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Si., Ph.D., Drh. Habib Syaiful Arif Tuska, M.Si., and Drs. Budiono, M.Si. The team also received funding as part of the 2024 research and community service programme supported by the Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Service (DRTPM) under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). During the implementation of the BIMA funding programme in partnership with BUMDes HAPSARI at Gronjong Wariti Tourism Village, the team also took the opportunity to conduct community service by providing education at schools near the community service location. The BIMA FKH UB team expressed their gratitude to Dra. Anies Erowati, the Headmistress of SDN Mejono, for welcoming the programme, Mr. Heru Ismanto, Director of BUMDes Hapsari, for partnering with the team, and Mr. Agung Priyono, the Village Head of Mejono, for accepting the community service programme.

After obtaining permission and scheduling with the Headmistress of SDN Mejono, the team successfully carried out the series of socialisation and education activities right after the school orientation period (MPLS) ended. The details of the activities were as follows:

  1. Conducting Pre-Tests and Post-Tests on the Introduction to Behaviour and Proper Exercise Patterns to Improve Rabbit Welfare and Completing the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM):
    The pre-tests and post-tests were conducted to measure the students’ understanding before and after the material was delivered. The tests lasted about 15 minutes and covered three topics, each consisting of 10 questions, so each student answered 30 true or false questions. For younger students, the team assisted by translating scientific terms unfamiliar to them. After summarising the results, the data showed an increase in the percentage of students answering correctly on the ten questions related to the topics explained. Additionally, students were asked to complete the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM), which was used to evaluate the ongoing activity and received positive feedback from the students.
Documentation of Questionnaire Monitoring
Presentation of Material on the Introduction to Behaviour and Proper Exercise Patterns to Improve Rabbit Welfare
The material on the introduction to behaviour and proper exercise patterns to enhance rabbit welfare was delivered by the presenter. Each class had a different number of students, with 20 students in Year 2, 14 students in Year 3, and 18 students in Year 4, totalling 52 students. The presentation was conducted interactively in the classroom using a method where song lyrics were modified to include the relevant content. This approach was employed to help students memorise and understand the concepts more easily. It was designed to make the learning process more enjoyable and effective, ensuring students were more engaged and interested in the material taught. The students’ level of enthusiasm was quite high, as evidenced by the numerous questions raised after the presentation in each class. As a form of appreciation, the team awarded 10 school stationery rewards to students who paid attention and correctly answered the quiz.
Documentation of the Presentation Session by Salma Amanda Dascha
Implementation of Hands-on Handling and Feeding of Rabbits
The team didn’t just provide theoretical education; they also brought rabbits into the classroom as a learning tool for the handling and feeding of rabbits, explained by the other two team members. The presenter also participated in assisting throughout the hands-on sessions.

Documentation of Hands-on Handling and Feeding

Provision of Reading Materials
Posters, flyers, modules, and guidebooks were distributed to students at SDN Mejono to enhance their knowledge as reading materials both at school and at home. The design and writing style employed semi-formal language to facilitate students’ understanding.

Poster and Flyer on Rabbit Characteristics and Behaviour

Documentation of the BIMA Community Service Team from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya 2024 from left to right (Salma Amanda Dascha, Putri Aulia Nur Azizah, drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Si. Ph.D, drh. Reza Yesica, M.Sc., Aisyah Fitrianindita)