UB Communication Reasearch Team Introduces Ken Arok’s History to Kindergarten Students

Introduction to the Story of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes for Kindergarten Students

UB Communication Research Team implemented a visual storytelling-based teaching method for the history of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes. This activity was held at Dharma Putra Kindergarten on Tuesday (13/8/2024). This activity is a form of community service motivated by the importance of introducing history to children as an effort to build character and national identity. The learning process tells the story of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes as important figures in the history of Malang City, while utilizing illustrated story books and interesting audiovisuals.

This history learning activity was attended by 40 students accompanied by 2 teachers and 7 facilitators. “Learning begins with showing audiovisuals of the life journey of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes from childhood to adulthood. The characterization of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes was created by implementing a gender-inclusive narrative and full of empowerment values,” said Desi Dwi Prianti, S.Sos., M.Comn., Ph.D as the research team.

After the film screening, she said, students did interactive learning using picture story books and worksheets to improve students’ ability in problem solving and remembering the story. “The worksheets consisted of several quizzes, namely incomplete stories, maps, and searching for words. At the end of the activity session, students then retell the story of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes in front of the class to test and hone students’ understanding,” she explained.

The history learning method using the visual storytelling method received high enthusiasm and extraordinary reactions, both from students and teachers of Dharma Putra Malang Kindergarten. Appreciation was given by Hanifah, as the Principal of Dharma Putra Kindergarten. “We express our deepest gratitude to the lecturers and students who today gave their time and knowledge to the students and teachers of Dharma Putra Kindergarten,” explained Hanifah.

From this activity, the UB Communication Research Team also hopes that the history teaching activities carried out at Dharma Putra Kindergarten can be a good start in a series of community service in other schools. This service, hopefully, can also become real evidence of commitment and dedication for Universitas Brawijaya in supporting history education for children in Malang City. (DDP/VQ/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

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