UB Cyber Security Team Confirmed by BSSN

Photo of VR IV Receiving CSRIT Certificate from the Director of Cyber ​​Security and Cryptography for Human Development Agus Prasetyo. By the submission of the certificate, it means that UB CSRIT Team has been recognized by BSSN

The maturity index of the information system of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) received a good assessment by the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN). This was conveyed by the Head of CSIRT UB, Kasyful Amron in the Inauguration of the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) of Universitas Brawijaya and the Workshop on Improving Cyber ​​Security Capability in Higher Education, Monday (10/6/2024).

“Universitas Brawijaya (UB) achieved an index of 3.95 in the field of cybersecurity. This is based on an information security assessment by BSSN which includes governance, identification, protection, detection, and response,”.

Kasyful conveyed that the assessment measures the level of maturity of the entire electronic-based management system based on the SNI ISO/IEC 27001 criteria.

“The excellent results are the result of the hard work of many related parties. This is a very good start for the IT Directorate, the CSIRT Team, and of course for UB in its efforts to realize digital transformation,” he said.

Kasyful added that CSIRT is very grateful to the rector and vice rector IV for planning, cooperation and internationalization who have paid great attention to the implementation of the electronic-based management system at UB.

Furthermore, after the inauguration by BSSN, the UB CSIRT team is not only tasked with handling cybersecurity incidents, but also carrying out various prevention efforts and increasing awareness of all parties, so that in the future cybersecurity incidents in UB environment will decrease.

“Every incident that occurs must be recorded, investigated, and officially reported to BSSN, and also to the public if necessary. To maintain system security, CSIRT and DTI supported by the Internal Audit Unit conduct audits of all electronic systems owned by UB periodically. In addition, audits are also carried out at least once every 2 years by external party, in this case BSSN. The results of this BSSN examination will later become the maturity index of the security of the information system that we have,” he said.

Kasyful added that the CSIRT Team owned by UB has been recognized by BSSN.

Meanwhile, the event also submitted a certificate from the Director of Cyber ​​Security and Cryptography for Human Development Agus Prasetya to VR IV for Cooperation and Internationalization, Andi Kurniawan S.Pi., M.Eng. D.Sc. VR IV Andi Kurniawan said that universities must take a role in protecting Indonesia against cybercrime.

“In the midst of the euphoria of the use of information technology and AI, we must protect the security of the digital system that we have together. The formation of the CSIRT team is one of these efforts, and this is in accordance with the direction of UB rector,” he said. (OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).

  From Berita UB

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