DM UB Team Signs an Agreement with Culture and Tourism Office and Sidomulyo Village, Batu

Community service activities of Doctoral Service is one of the strategic activities of LPPM Universitas Brawijaya which is routinely carried out to empower productive community in rural areas. Sidomulyo Village is one of the areas in Batu City that has a sustainable tourism village development program.

To achieve this, support from all parties is needed, both from Batu City local government, the local village government, as well as various related agencies and institutions.

Universitas Brawijaya as one of the universities in Malang City has an obligation to assist and support community empowerment activities in the form of community service as part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Universitas Brawijaya supporting system in the development activity of Sidomulyo Tourism Village in the form of making a village Master Plan, technology transfer for local processed production equipment, technical guidance and assistance in developing processed food products, batik coloring, institutional management, business legality, business management and village branding and marketing of the tourism village via Google Business.

Universitas Brawijaya has partnered and collaborated with Batu City which was ratified in the form of MoA which was previously initiated and coordinated involving the Doctoral Service team, Head of LPPM UB, Batu City Tourism Office and Sidomulyo Village Government at UB Guest House on June 2, 2021. The signing of this cooperation agreement was carried out in conjunction with the Inauguration of the Tourism Village Office “Sidomulyo Kertaraharjo” and the Launching of Bunga Sidomulyo Mall on June 16, 2021 by Batu City Regional Government which was attended by the Mayor of Batu, Ms. Dewanti Rumpoko, together with Batu City Tourism Office, LPPM Universitas Brawijaya and the Government of Sidomulyo Village as well as several officials in Batu City. The signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was carried out by Dr. Ir. Bambang Susilo, MSc., Agr. as the Head of Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) Universitas Brawijaya with Drs. Arief As Siddiq, MH as the Head of Batu City Tourism Office and Drs Suharto, MS as the Head of Sidomulyo Village, Batu City.

The support of the Doctoral Service Team (DM) Universitas Brawijaya, chaired by Dr. Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh, STP., MP. (FTP) with members of Dr. Fitria Dina Riana, SP., MP. , Ika Atsari Dewi, STP., MP., Devi Farah Azizah, S.Sos, MAB. and Nindya Sari, ST., MT. is expected to contribute to the sustainable development of Sidomulyo Tourism Village. The potential of the village is not only related to the development of ornamental plants but also various supporting businesses such as batik crafts, tourist services in the form of fruit picking, tour guide services, nature tourism, culinary, lodging, as well as jeep tours and ATVs.

The DM UB team hopes that this activity can strengthen the performance of productive community in Sidomulyo Village as one of the tourism villages that has the potential to support the development of sustainable tourism in Batu City in general through community empowerment towards advanced independent villages.

So that in the end it can contribute in improving the welfare of all people in Sidomulyo Village. (Dse/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).