One of the community empowerment programs that is covered in the work of the Universitas Brawijaya Doctoral Service (DM UB) Team chaired by Hamamah, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), is to explore the potential of Lumajang’s traditional arts to be sustained and promoted as part of tourism features in the Ranuyoso Village. One of the art performances known as Jaran Kencak (or Kuda Kencak) has become an icon of traditional art in the Lumajang Regency. However, this art may disappear from the context of the life of the Lumajang community due to the emergence of various modern arts.
Based on this, UB’s DM TEAM consists of Dr. Ir. Joni Kusnadi, M.Sc., from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology; dr. eng. Tri Budi Prayogo, ST., MT., from the Faculty of Engineering; M. Andhy Nurmansyah, S.S., M.Hum., and Fredy Nugroho S., M.Hum., from FCS made a study on the potential development of Jaran Kencak art so that in the future this art will not only become a historical artifact for the Lumajang community but be sustainable and has economical value for art bearers. It is also hoped that the art will be compatible as a part of the regional tourism features in Lumajang in general and Ranuyoso village in specific.
Jaran Kencak performance typically can be divided into two types of performance, namely Jaran Kencak Manten (a procession of decorated horses, usually used in carnivals or circumcision celebrations), and Jaran Kencak Manjeng (horse attraction). Sanali (one of the third-generation Jaran Kencak art bearers) explained that the existence of Jaran Kencak art continues to receive attention, especially from the local government. However, based on the team’s observations on the field, the improvement of this art as a traditional performance shows a static condition.
The form of Jaran Kencak Manjeng‘s performance which focuses on horse attraction is unexplored well and seems underdeveloped. This condition has the potential to marginalize this traditional art amid various mass entertainment products nowadays.
Based on discussions with various related parties, especially traditional art beares in Ranuyoso Village, there are at least three things that can be used as strategic steps in developing the potential of this Jaran Kencak traditional art.
These three things include (1) the development of the Jaran Kencak performing arts through a mechanism of cooperation with other traditional arts, one of which is the art of glipang which has been forgotten by many Lumajang residents; (2) strengthening community management facilitated by the local government so that there will be productive collaboration among communities of traditional arts bearers, ranging from horse maintenance and training, the formation of hybrid art performances and other aspects of traditional performances; and (3) creating more space and time for traditional arts to appear in various public activities so that public visibility of these traditional arts can be maintained
By making such strategic breakthroughs, it is hoped that the cultivation of Jaran Kencak’s performance will be accelerated. The DM UB team is determined to continue to help create excellence in traditional art performances as a part of tourist attractions that will continuously be developed in Lumajang, especially in Ranuyoso Village. [dts]