DM Team Assists Organic Fertilizer MSME in Sanenrejo

The Doctoral Service Team (DM) of Universitas Brawijaya is again collaborating with Thematic Real Work Lecture and Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) in carrying out the Community Service program (PkM) in villages in the TNMB area. Sanenrejo Village as one of the buffer villages in the TNMB area has several community groups formed as an effort to empower businesses for shared prosperity.

Goat farming is a form of business undertaken by Betiri Sejahtera Lestari (BSL) and Arema Sejahtera groups. There are several obstacles that prevent livestock activities from running efficiently, such as limited feed ingredients and the processing of organic fertilizers from livestock which had stagnated and did not meet SNI. In addition, the group also runs a banana chips processing business which is constrained by management arrangements, especially packaging costs which are higher than its production activities.

Improving Capability, Production Efficiency of Silage Livestock Feed and Organic Fertilizers, and Institutional Livestock Groups Through Dissemination of Proven Technology in Buffer Village Meru Betiri, Jember Regencyā€¯ is the title of the program that is carried out as an effort to overcome business constraints experienced. A series of technical guidance activities and technology dissemination were carried out for BSL and Arema Sejahtera groups.

Activities carried out are in the form of technical guidance and practice of making silage feed and organic fertilizer according to standards, as well as dissemination and introduction of multipurpose chopper machines. Apart from that, management technical guidance and business institutions are also carried out, food processing innovation practices, as well as dissemination and introduction of continuous sealer machines. All of these activities are expected to provide benefits to the community from an economic, environmental and institutional perspective.

“Hopefully the collaboration, assistance, and activities carried out will brings benefit to you and all parties involved,” said Rini as the Chief Executive in her remarks.

In collaboration with Meru Betiri National Park, Rini Yulianingsih, S.T.P., MT, Ph.D from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology assisted by Universitas Brawijaya Team, such as Dr. Fitria Dina Riana, STP, MP from the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Eng. Elya Mufidah, S.Pi, MP from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Premy Puspitawati Rahayu, S.Pt, MP from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and Dewi Noor Fatikhah Rokhimakhumullah, SE, MSA, Ak from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, as well as six UB students from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry.

In addition to Provide machine assistance as a form of proven technology dissemination and carrying out a series of technical guidance materials, UB Team also prepares guidance modules that are in line with the material and will routinely check the progress of implementing activities as a form of assistance during the adjustment period, both technologically, economically, and the availability of resources.

Paeman as a community group representative is very grateful to Meru Betiri National Park and Universitas Brawijaya Team for trying to overcome the burden of problems in managing goats as well as processing food products that he has run in the last few years.

“Hopefully after this livestock activities, fertilizer management, and banana chip processing that we are doing can develop well and faster,” he said.

Bahruddin, as the Supervising Forestry Police and Head of Management of Sanenrejo Resort, Meru Betiri National Park, gave high appreciation to Universitas Brawijaya Team in providing assistance and implementing guidance activities for community sustainability in Sanenrejo Village. He hopes this collaboration can continue. (*/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).