UB BCC Team Achieves Four Winners in Malaysia

Brawijaya Chess Club Team

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) students again contribute their achievements. This time, the delegation from UB succeeded in achieving sports achievements in the Grand Asian Chess Championship (GACC) match. This competition is held by the Malaysian Chess Federation, at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Friday-Sunday (20-22/05/22).

Before advancing to the international event, the student who is a member of BCC Student Activity Unit (UKM) made several preparations that had been carried out since mid-April, such as observing the opening, the style of the opposing players, and preparing the opening that would be used in the competition.

The GACC tournament this time was attended by 92 participants from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, and India. BCC UB sent 5 athletes to take part in this match, namely Fernanda Agus Saputra Pribadi (FMIPA 2019), Michael Owen (Filkom 2020), Constantius Leonardo Pratama (Filkom 2019), Ken Nahel Falsaveta (FMIPA 2018) and Singgih Satria Lesmana (FP 2018 ).

The competition categories that BCC athletes participated in were the classical chess category with a time of 60 minutes and 30 second increments with a total of 8 rounds and in this championship, BCC athletes managed to win several categories, namely Best University Team (Universitas Brawijaya), First Runner Up (Michael Owen), Second Best University (Fernanda Agus Saputra Pribadi) and Third Best University (Constantius Leonardo Pratama).

In addition to winning several categories mentioned above, BCC athletes also managed to defend the team category winners at the 24th and 25th GACC.

Meanwhile, Fernanda Agus Saputra Pribadi hopes that after this GACC event, BCC athletes can be more enthusiastic and active in practicing so that they can excel in the future. “I am of course very happy with our achievements in this event, I hope that next year BCC can win again in the team category, because if you win 3 times in a row then you can take the trophies home with you,” said Fernanda. (Afia/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)