The 3rd Annual Basic Science International Conference


Prof Lidia Morawska when delivering the materials

Faculty of Matematics and Natural Science (FMIPA), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) holds the 3rd Annual Basic Sceince International Conference on (16-17/4) bertempat di Hotel Santika Malang. This international seminar is the annual agenda of FMIPA UB which presents keynote speakers from various countries to present their researches. On this seminar, the theme is Basic Sceince Advances in Energy, Health and Environment.

That theme is raised because many people still underestimate the issues of pollution and clean energy for human life. The seminar which is opened directly by the Dean of FMIPA UB, Prof Dr Marjono Mphil is attended by 150 participants from 14 countries.
In his speech, the Dean of FMIPA UB thanks to the participants who come from various countries, to the executive committee and sponsors that succeed this international seminas, such as, PT. PLN Persero and Semen Gresik. In addition to the Dean of FMIPA, Dr Johan Noor PhD, as the chairman of seminar also gives his speech.

Prof Lidia Morawska from Queensland University of Technology Australia is assigned as the first keynote speaker on the opening of this international seminar. She delivers her research entitled “Emissions to the Air: from Multidiscplinary Science to Applications”. This research is raised by Prof Lidia because, according to her, many people still do not know that air pollution also can come from laser printer in office that can enter human body through aerosol exhalation.

“People may haven’t realised SARS virus that circulates in Hongkong comes from where, journalists still assume it comes from a rat in apartment’s ventilation, whereas it is the effect of airborne infection that we study now,” added Prof Lidia Morawska.

In addition to Prof Lidia Morawska, there are still many speakers in this seminar, such as, Dr rer nat M. Nurhuda (UB), Prof S.K. Lai (National Central Univ, Taiwan), Dr Nurul Taufiqurrochman (Indonesian Nanotech Society), Prof. Kwang-Reyol Lee (KIST Korea), Prof Hideo Tsuboi (Nagoya Univ. Japan), Prof Dann Mallet (Queensland Univ. Of Technology Australia), Prof Petr Solich (Charles University, Czech Republic), and the Minister of ESDM, Dahlan Iskan. [dimas/translated by agung]

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