Prof. Dr. Drs. Suryadi, Ms was inaugurated as a professor in the field of Leadership Science at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at the Samantha Krida Building.
He is the 14th active Professor at FIA, and the 223rd active Professor at UB, as well as the 398th Professor of all Professors produced by UB.
He delivered a speech entitled “Spiritual Egalitarian: Multi-Paradigmatic Prophetic Leadership Model – Answers to the Problems of Modern Society Leadership”.
Leaders and leadership are elements that determine the success and failure of every form of organization, both large and small organizations, both formal and informal organizations. So far, no leadership model formula has been found that can be a guide that is agreed upon and accepted by leadership science experts. On the other hand, Michael H. Hart in his book 100 Most Influential Figures in the World (2019), has placed the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the number one position.
Spiritual Egalitarianism is a prophetic leadership model that presents leadership principles rooted in spiritual and moral values that originate from divine revelation. These spiritual and moral values shape the nature of the leader which is then manifested in ethical attitudes and behavior in his leadership.
The advantages of this leadership model, beside the ethical attitudes and behavior of the leader, are the neglect of hierarchical structures and placing followers in a position that is equal to the leader, thus creating intimacy and encouraging participation.
Strategic decisions are made through a deliberation mechanism based on expertise so that achieving high quality. In addition, great attention is paid to the efforts to develop followers by encouraging and transforming followers so as to produce followers with integrity and reliable capacity which in turn results in high performance and new leaders.
Conceptually, this model still requires further study in order to produce a more comprehensive concept. In practice, this leadership model requires people who have integrity and capacity to carry out this model. [Irene/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]