Civil Engineering Wins 6 Awards at Indonesian Bridge Competition 2021

Indonesian Bridge Competition (KJI) is the most prestigious civil engineering competition at the national level organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspernas) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Competing in the 16th KJI, the Civil Engineering Team, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) succeed to surpass teams from universities throughout Indonesia by bringing six awards.

The theme of the competition was “Working in the Midst of a Pandemic for a Sturdy and Beautiful Bridge”, the finalists had prepared for four months to take part in the annual Puspernas event hosted by Pontianak State Polytechnic.

In the competition which was held on (04-07/Nov/2021) FTUB send two teams; The Ditrikarsa Team on the Steel Model Bridge and the Danasura Team on the Curved Model Bridge.

The Ditrikarsa team consisting of Adi Julianto (TS’19) and Putri Patricia (TS’19) was guided by Ir. Eko Andi Suryo, ST., MT., Ph.D. Meanwhile, the Danasura Team under the guidance of Christin Remayanti N., S.T., M.T. consisting of Shella Amalia (TS’19) and Deanna Ramadhani (TS’19).

Arriving in Pontianak, the team presented their bridge in front of the jury at November 5, 2021. The Branch of Curved Model Bridge Competition was held on Saturday, 6 November 2021 and the branch of Steel Model Bridge on the following day, Sunday, 7 November 2021.

In the Steel Frame Model Bridge category, the Ditrikarsa Team assembled Endaru Bridge deftly and skillfully in just 53 minutes 20 seconds. Meanwhile, the Curved Model Bridge Team, the Danasura Team, assembled Samahita Bridge and was able to complete it in 51 minutes. These two teams managed to do the fastest assembly among other universities.

At the 16th KJI, the Civil Engineering Team FTUB has succeed to win six awards. The Ditrikarsa Team (Branch of the Steel Model Bridge) won the 3rd Prize for the Branch of Steel Model Bridge and the Winner of the Most Beautiful Bridge Category and the Conformity of Implementation with Design Category.

Meanwhile, the Danasura Team (Branch of Curved Model Bridge) won the 2nd place in the Curved Model Bridge Branch and the Champion of the Most Beautiful Bridge Category, and the Champion of the Conformity with Design Implementation Category.

Representing the teams, Adi expressed his appreciation to the crew, supervisors, and all those who have helped.

“We are very grateful to all those who have helped. Hopefully this achievement can motivate the younger students of FT and achievement fighters who want to take part in the competition at the following year so that they can maintain the good name of the alma mater, “said Adi.

Presented at the contingent welcoming on Monday, November 8, 2021, Ir. Alwafi Pujiraharjo, S.T., M.T., expressed his pride to all representatives who went to Pontianak.

“I express my highest appreciation, this success makes us confident again. Watching the process, I saw for myself how the Civil students work in a compact, polite, organized manner and how great the spirit and mentality of the champions are,” he said that evening.

Ir Alwafi also said that this achievement was the most beautiful gift for him, who at the end of December was no longer to be the Head of the Department.

“Thank you for this gift. But remember, this happiness is not the end, this is the beginning to rise to win the general championship, I am sure civil engineering will be even better, “he concluded. (humasft/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)


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