Industrial Engineering UB Launches DTI Research and Innovation Center

In Commemorating the 17th Anniversary, the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (DTI FT-UB) held a celebration as well as the launch of a study center, scientific development, and cooperation of the tri dharma of higher education DTI Research & Innovation Center, Friday, June 24, 2022 in Auditorium, 6th Floor  of DTI Building.

The room, which is located on the 2nd floor of the DTI building, is the result of a collaboration with industrial partner, PT. GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk. (GoTO).

The inauguration was marked by pressing on touch screen monitors by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, FT Dr.Eng. Ir. Indradi Wijatmiko, S.T., M.Eng.(Prac), Head of the DTI Department Sugiono, ST., MT., Ph.D., and the Head of Gojek Malang District, Andriansyah Nur.

In his remarks, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, FT Dr.Eng. Ir. Indradi Wijatmiko, S.T., M.Eng.(Prac) expressed his gratitude to GoTo’s cooperation partners. The lecturer, who is an alumni of Miyazaki University, Japan, believes that the academic world cannot move much without partners from the industrial world.

“Hopefully there will be many innovations and researches that are utilized by the wider community from the DTI Research & Innovation Center,” he said.

In line with Indradi, the Head of Gojek Malang District Andriansyah Nur expressed his gratitude for the opportunity for cooperation that has been given. He hopes that this collaboration can produce young people who are beneficial for Indonesia and even the world.

“We see that DTI-UB campus does not stay in place, they always try to be relevant to the times. This is very proud,” he explained.

Andriansyah Nur told a little story, this collaboration was realized starting from light discussions between DTI-UB campus and GoTo related to data and business analytics. He is sure that once they graduate, DTI UB students will be able to drive the industrial world with their respective skills.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Department, Sugiono, ST., MT., Ph.D. representing the committee of Dies Natalis reported a series of activities to commemorate the 17th Anniversary.

Activities held include campus communal work for Bhakti Maba to practice character building and cooperation. Then the Digitalpreneurship Competition where 10 winners will be fostered for further development. “On this occasion, we also held a celebration of the excellent accreditation results that the department had achieved. Hopefully we will be more introspective,” hoped the alumnus of the University of Derby.

The peak activity of the 17th Anniversary was closed by giving awards to lecturers, staff, and students who have contributed to the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of State Universities.

The award categories given include the Lecturer with the Most Grants, the Lecturer with the Most Journal and Proceedings Publication, the Lecturer with the Most Book Publications, and the Lecturer with the Most IPR.

Meanwhile for the student category, the awards given are the student with the highest GPA, the student with the most national achievements, and the student with the most international achievement. DTI-UB also gives awards for the achieved educational staff, the most stand fast educational staff, Appreciation to the Committee/Activity Executor Team, and Laboratory with the Best 5S Implementation. (*/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)