Tali Asih Bazis UB Encourages Community Welfare 

Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Agency of Brawijaya University (Bazis UB) held the Tali Asih or Compassion event as part of a series of activities in celebrating Ramadhan 1445H. This activity took the form of providing basic necessities and cash which was carried out on the 1st floor of the Rectorate building (4/4/2024).

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, M.P., said that this activity was aimed at UB residents and communities around the campus who are less fortunate. There are 349 UB residents who received assistance and thousands of residents in six sub-districts.

Prof. Imam, who is also the head of Bazis UB, explained that several programs run by Bazis UB are scholarships given to students, mass circumcisions, and provision of safety/BPJS funding for Traffic Control Volunteers (Supeltas).

“This is an activity routinely carried out by Bazis UB during the month of Ramadan,” he explained.

In the future, Bazis UB will strengthen the productive economy for the poor. The program takes the form of mapping the business that will be run, capital assistance, and guidance so that the poor can improve the class.

“Moreover, we will help less fortunate (dhuafa) students with their single tuition fee (UKT) and can apply for an entrepreneurship program,” he said.

University Secretary, Tri Wahyu Nugroho, S.P., M.Sc., stated that the aim of this activity was to continue to strive to promote prosperity, especially for underprivileged communities. He hopes that with this assistance, it can provide far more benefits to the community and UB residents.

“Let’s grow Bazis UB and collaborate together,” he hoped. (UB PR/ Trans. Iir)