Commemorating the 61st Anniversary of Brawijaya University (UB) carried out joint prayer activities and provided donations to orphanages, the poor and social institutions. The activity was carried out at UB Raden Patah Mosque through UB Religious Development Center (PPA). Joint prayers are held so that UB will provide more blessings to the community, nation and […]
19 December 2023|
Berita UB|
On Wednesday (31/5) Vice Rector IV (WR IV) for Planning, Cooperation and Internationalization Universitas Brawijaya (UB) received a visit. The visiting guests came from Youngsan University, South Korea. The guest was received by WR IV Andi Kurniawan SPi, M Eng, D Sc. Accompanied by the Director of the Directorate of Cooperation and Internationalization Dr. Agung […]
31 May 2023|
Berita UB, IKU|