Tags: wisuda ub

UB Graduates Five Disability Students

Brawijaya University (UB) graduated 767 graduates at the XIV Period of Graduation Ceremony, Sunday (10/03/2024), at the Samantha Krida Building. From this number, there are five graduates with disabilities, namely Dimas Dadyo Wicaksono, S.Sos, Hafiz Ilmi, A.Md.Kom, Hafiza Kartikasari, A.Md.Kom, Endjie Apta Martiazharine, A.Md.Kom, and Rizkya Adin Ardiansyah, A. Md. Kom. To Prasetya Online, the […]

Her Research Passed by SINTA 2, Alvinda Graduates With No Thesis and Becomes the Youngest Graduate of UB

Alvinda Putri Ruriana, S.IP becomes the youngest graduate at the XIV Period of Graduation Ceremony of Brawijaya University (UB), Sunday (10/03/2024). She graduated from the International Relations study program of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UB at the age of 20, with a study period of 3 years and 2 months, and […]

UB Graduates, Duwik and Elo: Disability is not an Obstacle to Achieve Dreams

From the 763 Brawijaya University (UB) graduates who graduated on Saturday (20/01/2024) at the Samantha Krida Building, there were two graduates with disabilities, namely Duwi Purnama Sidik, S.Kom and Elo Kusuma Alfred Mandeville, S.Tr.Ds. To Prasetya Online, they shared their experiences while studying at UB. Duwi Purnama Sidik, S.Kom: Active in organizations, and currently pursuing […]

Syifa Khairunnisa, S.T., Wisudawan Termuda periode 8

Researching Work Safety, Brings Syifa to become UB Youngest Graduate

Occupational health and safety, especially in the oil and gas industry, plays an important role in the continuity of daily routines. K3 provides guarantees to workers regarding security and environmental health and safety for workers. Its ideal application also reduces or even minimizes the occurrence of work accidents, environmental damage and other things that can […]

Graduating Cum Laude, Frida Mu’is Alfajri is Accepted to Work at the Largest E- Commerse Company in Indonesia  

  Frida Mu’is Alfajri, a graduate of Brawijaya University (UB) who graduated on Saturday (30/09/2023), did not expect to be the best graduate from the Faculty of Law, with a GPA of 3.97. He has even been accepted into one of the largest E-Commerce companies in Indonesia as an Operations Analyst. “Before graduating, I took […]

Evelyne Livenia Sentiko, Best FKG UB Graduate with Many Achievements  

Graduating on Saturday (30/09/2023), Evelyne Livenia Sentiko, who is often called Live, expressed her happiness at being the best graduate from the Faculty of Dentistry, Brawijaya University (FKG-UB). She achieved cum laude honors with a GPA of 3.78 and a period of study of 3 years and 5 months. “I didn’t expect it but I […]

Sahruni Indramara, S.Biotek, Wisudawan Termuda Periode 18, Universitas Brawijaya

From Cayenne Pepper Extract Makes Sahruni to be the Youngest Graduate

  Who would have thought that from researching the ingredients in green cayenne pepper, Sahruni Indramara, S. Biotek becomes the youngest graduate of the 18th period? Sahruni was registered as a student at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology in the Department of Biotechnology, batch of 2019. She successfully completed her studies in 3 years and […]

15 Period of UB Graduation Produces Outstanding Graduates  

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) student Azzara Aji Syahputri did not expect that she would get the highest GPA on Saturday (15/07/2023), namely 3.97. Even now Azzara has been declared accepted at two Japanese companies, namely Niterra and Kubota as a software engineer. “Alhamdulillah, Masyaallah Tabarakallah, I am very grateful to graduate with a high GPA and […]

Rektor Tekankan Pentingnya Kompetensi bagi Wisudawan

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Rektor Universitas Brawijaya menyampaikan harapannya kepada para wisudawan. Hal ini disampaikan Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc, PhD., MedSc di hadapan wisudawan, pada Minggu pagi (27/11/2022) di Gedung Samanta Krida. Bulan November, UB menyelenggarakan wisuda periode V dan VI Tahun Akademik 2022/2023. Periode V diwisuda 853 wisudawan sedangkan periode […]

Semangat Belajar Antarkan Evalina Jadi Wisudawan Termuda Periode II

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Semangat menimba ilmu nampak dari cerita Evalina Izzatur Rochmah, S.Ked. Evalina adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Brawijaya yang menjadi wisudawan termuda dalam prosesi wisuda periode II, tahun akademik 2022/2023. Evalina berhasil menyelesaikan studi Sarjana dalam waktu 3.5 tahun. “Saya yudisium bulan Februari lalu, baru mendapat jadwal wisuda […]

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