Tags: Vokasi

Vocational Webinar: Teaching Students of Soft Skill and Future Career

The Business Administration Study Program of Vocational Education Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held “3 in 1” Webinar of Visiting Professor and Practitioner Lecturer Program which was conducted online using Zoom Meetings application (13/9/2021). The “3 in 1” webinar with the theme “Human Resources Management from Theory to Practice” invited three speakers from practitioners, international academics and […]

SAS, an Anti-Sway Stretcher Made by UB Students

Three students of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) consisting of Natasya, Anton Hendra Kusuma, and Diana Novitasari made an anti-sway folding stretcher called Stabilizer Ambulance Stretcher (SAS). In an emergency situation, an ambulance stretcher is used if the patient has moving difficulty to be moved to an ambulance. “Commonly, the stretcher used is a wheeled stretcher which […]

WR 1 : Program Vokasi sudah Merdeka Belajar Terlebih Dahulu dari Sarjana

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Kuota Mahasiswa UB Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 akhirnya lengkap dengan diumumkannya hasil Seleksi Masuk UB (SMUB) gelombang dua pada Selasa (27/07/2021) dan di dalam seleksi tersebut ada program vokasi. Yang menjadi beda dengan SMUB gelombang satu adalah adanya program D4 vokasi yang diperebutkan oleh siswa siswi SMA maupun […]

Kreativitas Dibutuhkan di Era 4.0

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Kreativitas menjadi hal yang dibutuhkan di era 4.0. Direktur Vokasi UB Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, SE., M.Si., Ak dalam webinar Kepariwisataan dan Ekonomi Kreatif yang diselenggarakan dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-12 Vokasi Universitas Brawijaya, Rabu (30/6/2021), menjelaskan di masa dengan kemajuan teknologi seperti saat ini, dibutuhkan kreativitas […]

Program Pendidikan Vokasi Peringati Hari Jadinya ke -12

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Brawijaya (UB) melaksanakan peringngatan hari jadinya yang ke-12, Jumat (25/6/2021) Dalam pembukannya Rektor UB Prof Dr Ir Nuhfil Hanani, AR., M.S. berharap vokasi mampu berperan dalam pembangunan bangsa. “Berbagai fasilitas dan sarana prasarana Pendidikan Vokasi akan terus ditingkatkan. Sehingga ke depan Pendidikan Vokasi […]

‘Pandu Gunung’ Help Identifying Climbing Area

Climbing safely and comfortably is the dream of mountain climbers. Coupled with the availability of a cellphone signal, it can make it easier for climbers to ask for help if needed. This is what underlies the five students of Universitas Brawijaya to make a prototype of a climbing guide titled Pandu Gunung. They are Nur […]

Vocational Program Opens Student Registration through Achievement Path

Vocational Education Program Universitas Brawijaya (UB) accepts new student registration through the achievement pathway. Registration is open from (3 / 5-21 / 5/2021) via website https://admisi.ub.ac.id page with a registration fee of IDR 250,000. There are special requirements for prospective new students who will register, for the applicants of academic achievement, prospective new students must […]

Vocational Student Wins the Title of ‘Putri Pariwisata Nusantara’

Afida Salsabila Azzahra, a student of batch 2019 Business Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program Universitas Brawijaya (UB) made another achievement. After being crowned as the Princess of East Java Tourism 2020, this time Fida, as her nickname, successfully won the title of Putri Pariwisata Nusantara (Princess of Archipelago Tourism) 2021. This beauty contest award […]

Vocational Students Held Creanomic in the Midst of Pandemic

Even though it is carried out online, Creanomic 2020 still presents an offline venue in the Vocational building Universitas Brawijaya which is used for moderators and MC. This year, Creanomic 2020 presents new events such as virtual art exhibitions, webinars, and national and international university competitions. The Creanomic 2020 event is held in series, from […]

UB Terima Kunjungan Ditjen Vokasi Kemdikbud

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Brawijaya (UB) menerima kunjungan dari Direktorat Jenderal Vokasi Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Jumat (9/10/2020). Kunjungan ini bertujuan untuk diskusi dan bimbingan teknis kepada dosen vokasi UB yang menerima bantuan pemerintah PPPTV (Program Penguatan Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi). PPPTV sendiri merupakan bantuan Pemerintah melalui […]

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