Selection of Achieved Student Event (PILMAPRES) of Brawijaya University was completed last Wednesday (20/3). Taking place on the 6th Floor of the Brawijaya University Rectorate Building, the final round of selection brought together 7 finalists from all faculties, both undergraduate and diploma levels. At this stage, each finalist from undergraduate level is required to present […]
The Assosiate Degree of Finance and Banking Study Program, Vocational Faculty, Department of Business and Hospitality, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a 3 in 1 activity involving practitioners from within and outside the country, (7/9-8/9/2023). This activity was carried out in two sessions. In the morning, the presenter was associate Prof. Dr. Mohd Zulkhairi Bin Mustapha […]
The Vocational Faculty held Practitioner Teaching activities for the Graphic Design Study Program by inviting an experienced practitioner from 24Slides, namely Galan Hastoro Dwi Tunggal S.Sn. The activity took place at the 1st Floor of UB Dieng Vocational Faculty Building, Thursday (14/9/2023). In this Teaching Practitioner event, Galan Hastoro Dwi Tunggal S.Sn. provides very interesting […]
The Vocational Faculty holds 3in1 program activities to increase student knowledge and eliminate gaps between the material being taught and what happens in the field. The activity by inviting practitioners was carried out in the 4th floor hall of Brawijaya Language Center. The activity was divided into two sessions. First session on (29/9-31/8/2023) and second […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Program Studi D-IV Manajemen Perhotelan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Brawijaya (Prodi MP FV UB) melaksanakan serangkaian kegiatan pembinaan pada Hotel Selecta (10/11/2022). Tim Fakultas Vokasi yang terdiri dari Mufarrohah, Rugeri Fadhlihalim, Andira Dwi Wiranugraha, yang merupakan dosen Program Studi D-IV Manajemen Perhotelan bersama […]
In commemoration of the XII UB Lustrum, the Vocational Faculty held a series of events, one of which was a football competition. This friendly match was held in UB Dieng Field, on Wednesday (02/11/2022) and was opened by the Dean of Vocational Studies, Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, Ak along with the leadership of UB. “The […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Brawijaya (UB) melaksanakan Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB), Minggu (11/9/2022) di Samantha Krida. PKKMB kali ini mengusung tema “Sinergi dalam berinovasi menyongsong Era Society 5.0“. Dekan Fakultas Vokasi UB, Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, SE.,M.Si., Ak. Menyampaikan sambutan kepada para mahasiswa. Menurutnya, sangat beruntung […]
Approaching the commemoration of the 59th anniversary, as well as an effort to preserve the environment, Universitas Brawijaya planted a number of trees. The activity entitled Tetenger Bumi was held on Saturday (12/18/2021) at Telon Alas Magersari Kedampul, Duwet Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency. Tetenger Bumi is a tree planting activity initiated by the Faculty […]
In order to participate in the success of the National Movement for Mental Revolution, Universitas Brawijaya takes the role of being directly involved in providing assistance through Campus Teaching activity. This community service activity was held at MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) Roudlotul Ulum, Pagak District, Malang Regency. For 5 days, students are given education about the […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Kegiatan akuakultur di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan, salah satunya pada kegiatan budidaya udang. Namun, peningkatan ini tidak sejalan dengan keadaan di lapangan, khususnya di bidang terutama pembenihan udang. Pasalnya hingga saat ini belum didapati teknologi yang dapat mengintegrasikan antara grading benih udang sekaligus pencacah benih udang (counting). […]