PKM UB in collaboration with the Compartment of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law held an international dialogue themed “Reinterpreting Religious Messages and Interfaith Dialogue in the Midst of the Global Humanitarian Crisis” organized by the Center for Character and Diversity Studies (CCDS) UPT, Monday (7/15/2024), at the Auditorium, 10th Floor, UB Joint Service Building. Present […]
The Student Personality Development Unit of Universitas Brawijaya (PKM UB) through the Center for Character and Diversity Studies (CCDS) of Universitas Brawijaya held a seminar entitled “International Talks: Education in the Shadow of Radicalism”, Tuesday (12/6/2024) at the Raden Wijaya UB Gazebo. Present as the keynote speaker was Mun’in Sirry, Assistant Professor of Theology, University […]
The Center for Character and Diversity Studies, UPT PKM UB held a National Symposium entitled “Exploring Diversity Towards Inclusive Citizenship Practices”, Friday, (24/11/2023) at the Oriza Hall Guest House, Universitas Brawijaya. The Center for Character and Diversity Studies at Brawijaya University held a National Symposium to map the root of the problem of the emergence […]
The Technical Implementation Unit for Student Personality Development (UPT PKM) Brawijaya University (UB), through the Center for Character and Diversity Studies sent 30 selected students out of 285 students who registered and joined the Moral Camp program. This time the 2023 Moral Camp has the theme: “Exploring Diversity, Being Inclusive for the Universe”. This theme […]
The launch of Students Build Villages by Universitas Brawijaya, has made a real contribution to rural communities who still need assistance to continue to improve their standard of living from various sides such as education, religiosity, character, agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental preservation and the economy. One of them, by improving the quality of education. This […]
UPT PKM Community Service Team initiated the potential of the life of Bajo tribe to become tourism of tolerance. Team leader Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pdi said the tour was made so that visitors could learn tolerance from the Bajo tribe. “There are several strengths that can be extracted from Torosiaje Village, namely that there are […]
One of the responsibilities of higher education personnel is to carry out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which includes education, research and community service. As an application of these three norms, the Technical Implementation Unit for Student Personality Development, Universitas Brawijaya carries out community service activities at Al-Falah Boarding School, Gorontalo, Sulawesi. The community […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dalam upaya menciptakan mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya yang berkarakter nasionalis dan religius, UPT PKM menyelenggarakan kegiatan Kedai Bhineka dengan judul “Meneguhkan Karakter Nasionalis Religius Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya menuju Indonesia Bermartabat” (8/3/2023). Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan di Gazebo Raden Wijaya UB dengan dihadiri beberapa narasumber, yaitu Dr. Muchamad Ali Safa’at, […]