Tags: unitantri

Murwa Niti Darma Begins Reyog Brawijaya’s Journey in 2024

In an effort to strengthen cooperation with the regional government, Brawijaya University, through the Dance and Karawitan Activity Unit, held a meeting with Ponorogo Regency Government. Through the routine agenda at the beginning of the year “Murwa Niti Darma”, Reyog Brawijaya is collaborating with Ponorogo Regency Government for the next year. This activity was attended […]

One Decade, Reyog Brawijaya Produces Five IPRs

As an educational institution, Universitas Brawijaya does not only prioritize academic abilities, but also develops talent interests, especially in the field of regional arts. One of the achievements achieved by UB in this field is the success of getting 5 Intellectual Property Rights, in this case it was won by the Musical and Dance Activity […]

838 Peserta Perguruan Tinggi se-Indonesia Semarakkan PEKSIMINAS XIV 2022

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Pagelaran bergengsi Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Nasional (PEKSIMINAS) merupakan event terbesar di indonesia yang hadir demi mewujudkan cita-cita dan kreativitas mahasiswa, mempertajam kualitas serta kemampuan praktisi khususnya dalam bidang kesenian. Dengan menjunjung tema “Penguatan Karakter Kebangsaan Melalui Pengembangan Potensi Minat Bakat dalam Bidang Seni dan Budaya Mahasiswa”, PEKSIMINAS […]

Collaborating The Students Activity Unit Online For RAJA Brawijaya

The Almamater Exploration Event Series (RAJA) Brawijaya 2020 was wrapped in a different concept and system. The entire series of events including the PKKMB will be held online in order to implement health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Interestingly, in the implementation of campus introduction activity this year, the limited distance was […]

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