Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Prestasi membanggakan kembali diraih oleh mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya. Kali ini, dua kelompok mahasiswa lintas departemen di Fakultas Teknik membawa dua penghargaand alam ajang “Process Engineering and Energy Days 2023”. Kompetisi internasional ini diselenggarakan pada Jumat (10/3/2023) di Universitas Indonesia. Menurut Eka Tarisa selaku perwakilan tim, proses persiapan […]
Lilian Letiyana, a student of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya class of 2016, became the Best Graduates in UB Graduation Ceremony Period III Academic Year 2020/2021 (30/Jan/2021). Lilian graduated after successfully defending her work entitled “Comparison of Solvent Effectiveness in Decaffeinated Arabica Coffee Beans and Robusta Coffee Beans” under the […]
Five Chemical Engineering Students (Tekim) Universitas Brawijaya (UB); Chindy Wulandari, Lyla Liilia Fitria Hikma, Aulia Azzahra, Hira Listya Pinastika, and Kharisma Ghanyysyafira under the guidance of Supriyono, S.T., M.T., together they find alternative for wound healing material. Generally, the material used to heal wounds on the skin is scaffold tissue. However, scaffold tissue is usually […]
Indonesia is a country with the largest tobacco production in the world. unfortunately according to the Research and Development Agency Study, each year there also more than 230,000 deaths due to consumption of tobacco products. It is undeniable that the biggest tobacco product is cigarettes. Indonesia ranks third with the highest number of smokers after […]
Department of Chemical Engineering (Tekim), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) received an online Accreditation Assessment by BAN-PT representatives online on Monday, September 28, 2020. This activity uses zoom media and is led by Prof. Dr. Widayat, ST., MT (Diponegoro University) and Dr. Hesti Meiliana, ST., M.Si (Syiah Kuala University) as assessors. “This is a […]
The high demand for fossil fuel has made the world petroleum reserves run out. On the other hand, there are essential oils that are the product of Indonesia’s natural wealth. One of them is citronella oil, which is predicted to have characteristics close to the characteristics of fuel oil. Combining these two facts, three students […]
Electric vehicles have received more attention in recent years for their potential to reduce emissions, replace fossil fuel consumption, diversify fuel sources, and integrate renewable energy into power systems. In order to support this technology, of course lithium-ion batteries will become very important in the future. Unfortunately the availability of these lithium-ion batteries is very […]
By 2020, renewable energy is predicted to supply 12% of electricity needs in the USA and 20% in Europe. This encourages the advancement of large-scale and stable storage of electrical energy technology, that is battery. Batteries that are commonly used as energy storage devices for renewable energy power plants are lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries. This […]
Fresh milk production in East Java ranks first in national milk production and reaches more than five hundred thousand tons (Central Statistics Agency, 2019). In line with the high milk production, it is important to diversify dairy products to convert excess amounts of fresh milk. One example of a dairy product is kefir. Kefir is […]